Según la Asociación Pulmonar Americana, Bakersfield es el lugar con mayor polución de partÃculas a corto plazo en Estados Unidos y con los peores niveles de polución de ozono. Ambas formas de contaminación están relacionadas con enfermedades pulmonares, como el asma, y enfermedades del corazón.
Plaintiffs challenge San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District's (AirDistrict) 2014 approval of permits authorizing the construction of an oily water sewer system (sewer system) for a rail-to-pipeline transfer terminal in Kem County. Plaintiffs contend Air District violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA; Pub. Resources Code,§ 21000 et seq.1) by concluding the proposed sewer system involved only ministerial actions, and was therefore exempt from environmental review. Plaintiffs argue approval of the permits was discretionary, not ministerial and, therefore, the CEQA exemption determination was wrong.
Community and environmental groups have filed suit over the expansion—orchestrated mostly in secret—of a crude oil operation in Kern County that could lead to a 1,000 percent increase in the amount of crude imported by rail into California each year. The newly opened Bakersfield Crude Terminal in Taft, Calif., has the capacity to receive two…