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The Park Fire burns through the night on July 30, 2024 near Chico, California. (David McNew / Getty Images)
Article November 12, 2024

Project 2025 Means Undoing Climate Solutions. We’ll Fight Back.

We are prepared to defend the environment and communities no matter who holds political office.

document January 23, 2015

Letter To EPA Supporting Strong Standards for Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Letter supporting important rulemaking process now underway at the EPA to curb aircraft greenhouse gas emissions

The National Wind Technology Center in Colorado.
(Dennis Schroeder / NREL)
Article December 18, 2014

A New Year’s Resolution Worth Keeping

Earthjustice President Trip Van Noppen explains why 2015 is the year when we must resolve to quit our carbon addiction.

Of crucial importance, the Court left undisturbed key Clean Air Act provisions authorizing EPA to issue "performance standards" limiting carbon pollution from sources such as power plants, refineries and cement kilns.
Press Release June 23, 2014

Supreme Court Upholds EPA's Authority to Limit Carbon Pollution

Decision narrows one EPA program, but leaves undisturbed other Clean Air Act authorities to limit carbon pollution

Article June 2, 2014

Our Best Chance at Halting Climate Change

Today’s proposal for cleaning up power plants

Article July 19, 2013

Obama Needs to Step Up Climate Change Plan

Only a great leap forward can succeed against this critical issue

document December 20, 2012

GHG Endangerment Finding Court Opinion

Press Release December 20, 2012

Court Upholds Controls on Carbon Pollution & Other Harmful Gases

Safeguards stand despite industry lawsuits

Press Release: Victory June 26, 2012

Clean Air Advocates Welcome Court’s Decision Upholding Controls on Carbon Pollution, Other Harmful Gases

Safeguards stand despite industry lawsuits

Article March 27, 2012

EPA Proposes Standards For Pollution From New Coal Plants

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed historic new standards to limit industrial carbon pollution from new coal-fired power plants, which is a critical step to protect the health of American children and families. Successful advocacy before the courts made today’s landmark action possible. On April 2, 2007 the Supreme Court in the Massachusetts v. EPA…

Press Release June 20, 2011

Supreme Court Affirms EPA's Power To Reduce Climate Change Pollution

Justices deny lawsuit against power plants by holding that EPA has authority to set limits

feature February 2, 2011

A Success Story, with Many Chapters Still to Come

The Clean Air Act has substantially improved the lives of millions of Americans. Polluting industries have fought progress every step of the way. To protect your right to breathe, Earthjustice is working to ensure polluting industries don’t stand in the way of clean air protections.

Press Release January 31, 2011

Sen. John Barrasso Leads Senate Attack on Clean Air

Cronies of corporate polluters in Senate introduce Dirty Air Act to pardon polluter friends from controls

Press Release January 31, 2011

Sen. Jay Rockefeller Goes After Clean Air Act

Introduces legislation that would delay EPA authority to regulate air pollution

Article December 7, 2009

Monday Reads: The Boar Boom Edition

The curious effect of climate change on wild boars.

Press Release July 11, 2008

Earthjustice Statement on EPA's Announcement Delaying Greenhouse Gas Limits

“Advance Notice” will stall action while planet melts

Press Release June 27, 2008

Appeals Court Refuses to Force EPA to Comply With Supreme Court Order to Regulate CO2

Earthjustice vows to continue pushing for action on greenhouse gases

document April 2, 2008

Writ Mandamus Mass v. EPA 040208

Petition to compel EPA to make an endangerment determination with respect to greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.