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The Herbert A. Wagner Generating Station, on the shore of Cox Creek next to the Patapsco River in Maryland, with the stacks of the Brandon Shores Generating Station in the background. (Acroterion / CC BY-SA 4.0)
Press Release September 27, 2024

Advocates File Complaint Against PJM for Flaws that Inflated Auction Results, Costing Customers Billions

Mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM’s capacity market auctions make customers pay twice for fossil fuel power

feature October 11, 2024

Tools for Communities: Federal Hydrogen Hub Community Guide

How communities can gain information about and influence over Hydrogen Hub projects, including DOE’s Community Benefits Plan requirements

The Herbert A. Wagner Generating Station, on the shore of Cox Creek next to the Patapsco River in Maryland, with the stacks of the Brandon Shores Generating Station in the background. (Acroterion / CC BY-SA 4.0)
From the Experts September 27, 2024

Grid Operator PJM Makes Customers Pay Twice for Fossil Fuel Power

We are challenging flaws in PJM’s capacity market auction that favor fossil fuels and could mean skyrocketing rates for Mid-Atlantic customers

document September 5, 2024

Complaint: Groups Sue to Protect Arizona’s Pinto Creek and Endangered Species

This case challenges the U.S. Forest Service’s decision to approve the expansion of an open pit mine whose water pumping is drying up Pinto Creek and putting vulnerable species at risk.

document August 16, 2024

Oceana Complaint: Protecting Seafloor Habitat from Bottom Trawling

Oceana argues that the National Marine Fisheries failed to meet obligations under the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act to protect corals, sponges and other seafloor habitats from bottom trawling.

In the News: Los Angeles Times July 3, 2024

San Bernardino County has targeted majority Latino community for warehouse development, complaint alleges

Katrina Tomas, Associate Attorney, California Regional Office: “In our analysis, it was clear that there was a systematic targeting of Bloomington for warehouse development in a way that wasn’t occurring in other unincorporated parts of the county that have much fewer people of color, Latinos specifically.”

Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 20, 2024

Historic Agreement Reached in Hawaiʻi Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Complaint

Transportation Department commits to bold action to achieve 2045 zero emission goals

Fishing skiffs tied up on the riverbank along the Kuskokwim River in the village of Akiachak, Alaska. (Design Pics Inc / Alamy)
Article October 1, 2024

Alaska Tribes Win Legal Fight Against Gold Mine

The massive Donlin Gold Mine, if built, would pose grave risks to Kuskokwim River communities.

Press Release April 1, 2024

Advocates File Complaint to Challenge Southwest Power Pool’s Discriminatory Renewable Energy Accreditation

SPP failed for a second time to accurately accredit its generating resources, continues to discriminate against cleaner resources

document May 21, 2024

Complaint: NEPA Phase 2

Complaint from 21 state attorneys general attempting to block National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2, finalized on May 1, 2024, from taking effect.

The Hillcrest neighborhood, near “Refinery Row” in Corpus Christi, TX. (Eddie Seal for Earthjustice)
Press Release February 12, 2024

Corpus Christi Civil Rights and Fair Housing Complaint Referred to U.S. Department of Justice

An important step towards justice for a historically Black neighborhood

document May 2, 2024

Complaint: Hawaiian Petrel – Grand Wailea Resort

A coalition of conservation groups filed a second lawsuit to protect Hawaiian petrels (ʻuaʻu) from dangerous lights used by the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui. Hawaiian petrels are protected as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. Today’s lawsuit was filed by Earthjustice on behalf of Conservation Council for Hawaiʻi and the Center for Biological Diversity.

The Kuskokwim River provides a critical source of wild food and serves as a bedrock of identity and cultural values for Alaska Native Tribal citizens and community members living downstream from the Donlin mine site.
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

Six Tribes in Southwest Alaska Win Legal Challenge Against the Donlin Gold Mine

The federal court ruling in Alaska declares that a key federal permit authorizing the construction and operation of the world’s largest pure gold mine violates environmental and subsistence protection laws

Press Release October 16, 2023

Legal Complaint: Signal Peak Coal Mine Causing Cave-Ins, Safety Hazards

Signal Peak failing to comply with permit requirements to reclaim lands affected by subsidence

In the News: KRIS TV February 14, 2024

Corpus Christi Desalination: DOJ to review civil rights complaint

Erin Gaines, Attorney, Fossil Fuels Program: “The inner harbor desalination plant, which would be located in the Hillcrest, is just the latest example of this long-standing pattern of discrimination.”

document February 12, 2024

Corpus Christi Civil Rights and Fair Housing Complaint: Referral to U.S. Department of Justice

Letter to city officials on a complaint under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act against the City of Corpus Christi, Texas for the proposed development of a desalination plant in a historically Black neighborhood being referred to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

feature September 20, 2024

Fossil Fuels

Earthjustice and our partners are fighting to loosen the fossil fuel industry’s destructive grip on our world. We can win — and it will take all of us.

A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Sued Over Deceptive ‘Net-zero’ and ‘Climate-smart’ Beef Claims

Environmental group accuses Tyson of capitalizing on consumers’ interest in purchasing climate-friendly foods by falsely claiming it will be net-zero by 2050 and marketing its industrial beef products as “climate-smart”