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Cayuga Lake is used by community members for swimming, fishing, and drinking water. (Jo Zimny / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release: Victory July 19, 2024

Appellate Court Determines Seneca Lake Guardian has Right to Sue NYS-DEC for Permit on PFAS-containing Liquid Discharge on Cayuga Lake

Appellate Division for the Third Judicial Department reversed dismissal on previous lawsuit, allowing group to rightfully sue for protection of the lake

Aerial view of the smelting complex in the city of La Oroya, Peru in 2022. La Oroya is one of the most polluted localities on the planet. (Ernesto Benavides / AFP via Getty Images)
From the Experts: Victory June 20, 2024

La Oroya v. Peru: Historic Precedent on Human Rights and the Environment

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights set an important precedent for state oversight of industrial pollution.

document June 13, 2024

Notice of Appeal: Wood Pellet Manufacturing Facility

This is an appeal of the Final Determination and Order of Approval for Notice of Construction Application 23NOC1606, issued by the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency on May 14, 2024, permitting Pacific Northwest Renewable Energy to construct and operate an industrial-scale, export-focused wood pellet manufacturing facility at 411 Moon Island Road in Hoquiam, Washington.

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 5, 2024

Groups Submit Notice of Intent to Sue Suncor Over Repeated Clean Air Act Violations

Suncor has reported over 1,000 emissions exceedances or violations since 2019

Press Release June 12, 2024

Groups Send Notice of Intent to Sue Over Pinto Valley Mine Excessive Groundwater Pumping

Pumping would harm endangered species, reduce flows to Roosevelt Lake

A crane lifts a wind turbine rotor onto a tower north of Abilene, Texas. (Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images)
Update June 27, 2024

We’re Defending the People’s Environmental Law in Court from Partisan Attacks

Final updates to National Environmental Policy Act ensure that communities will not be sacrificed as clean energy infrastructure ramps up.

page July 11, 2024

Privacy Policy

At Earthjustice, your privacy and security are critically important to us. Learn how we collect, store, and use your information, as well as how to manage your information and unsubscribe from emails or postal mail.

document June 5, 2024

Suncor: Notice of Intent

Environmental justice and conservation groups submitted a 60-day notice of intent to sue Suncor Energy for repeated violations of the Clean Air Act at the company’s Commerce City, CO, refinery.

In the News: CBS News July 9, 2024

Colorado neighbors react to Suncor air quality violation: “This is just the beginning”

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “EPA’s inspection and violation notice is a big step in the right direction, but it is just a first step. There is still a long road toward holding Suncor accountable for its many violations.”

In the News: Westword June 6, 2024

Environmental Groups File Notice to Sue Suncor Oil Refinery

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “The reason that we felt compelled to go in this direction is Suncor’s chronic history of exceeding the limits in its air permit.”

POWER Interfaith Executive Director Bishop Dwayne Royster speaks during the Fight For Our Future: Rally For Climate, Care, Jobs & Justice on April 22, 2022 in Malvern, Pennsylvania. (Lisa Lake / POWER Interfaith via Getty Images)
Article June 11, 2024

How This Faith Group Took on a Fight for Climate Justice and Stopped Energy Bills From Skyrocketing

With legal support from Earthjustice, a faith-based group in Philadelphia took the fight for clean, cheaper energy to the public utility commission and won.

After years of inaction by the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed long-overdue limits on six PFAS in drinking water. (Getty Images)
feature April 19, 2024

Inside EPA’s Roadmap on Regulating PFAS Chemicals

Toxic “forever chemicals” remain laxly regulated.

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 3, 2024

The Public v. the Power Companies

See how Earthjustice makes the case before public utility commissions for a faster, fairer transition to clean energy.

The Biden administration has taken historic steps to address climate change and environmental injustice. (Adam Schultz / White House)
From the Experts March 7, 2024

Celebrating Climate Action and Environmental Justice at the State of the Union while Charting a Better Pathway Forward

While the Biden administration has made incredible progress on addressing both climate change and environmental justices, these crises require us to do more to live up to our obligations.

document May 10, 2024

Bad River Band Letter to U.S. Army Corps regarding Public Hearing Notice

The Band urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to postpone the public hearing set for June 4, 2024, until the Band and the state have evaluated the Line 5 re-route project’s impacts on their water quality.

Earthjustice President Abbie Dillen (center) joined Earthjustice staff and clients for a White House signing of the historic Columbia River Basin agreement.
From the Experts April 12, 2024

Charting a Path Forward to Recover Salmon in the Columbia River Basin

A ceremonial signing at the White House in February honored decades of hard work and solidified partnerships to recover salmon while pointing to significant work that lays ahead.

Press Release June 21, 2024

Community Fights For Clean Air, Challenges Bloomington Warehouse In Court

Predominantly working class Latino community targeted with a disproportionate number of industrial projects

The U.S. Capitol building. (Architect of the Capitol)
From the Experts June 21, 2024

The Congressional Review Act: Congress’s Favorite Tool to Undermine Public Health, Labor Rights, and Environmental Protections

It’s time to repeal this damaging and undemocratic piece of legislation.