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Press Release July 24, 2024

EPA Proposes Designating Vinyl Chloride as a High-Priority Chemical 40 Years After It Was Declared Cancerous

New report calls on EPA to conduct comprehensive chemical review

Press Release: Victory July 8, 2024

Hawaiʻi County Agrees to Take Responsibility for its Wastewater Discharges into Honokōhau Harbor

County will apply for Clean Water Act Permit to manage discharges from Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant

document June 20, 2024

Settlement Agreement: Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Dept. of Transportation

Youth plaintiffs Navahine F., et. al, and Edwin Sniffen, in his official capacity as HDOT Director, have executed a Settlement Agreement.

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 3, 2024

The Public v. the Power Companies

See how Earthjustice makes the case before public utility commissions for a faster, fairer transition to clean energy.

Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 20, 2024

Historic Agreement Reached in Hawaiʻi Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Complaint

Transportation Department commits to bold action to achieve 2045 zero emission goals

Split view of clear and hazy days in Shenandoah National Park. (National Park Service)
Press Release: Victory July 12, 2024

U.S. District Court Finalizes Haze Pollution Consent Decree to Speed Up Protections for Public Lands

Victory will bring clearer views and cleaner air to national parks

Commissioner John A. Tuma, left, speaks during a Minnesota Public Utilities Commission meeting in 2018, in St. Paul, Minn. (Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Star Tribune via AP)
feature May 15, 2024

Want to Lower Your Power Bills and Help Your State Fight Climate Change? Here’s Who to Talk to

In public utility commissions, Earthjustice is helping communities push for clean, affordable electricity for all.

Lilian Bello spoke against a proposed natural gas plant in Oxnard, California, that, if allowed, would join three existing gas plants on the city’s beach.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature May 13, 2024

A Fossil Fuel Company Tried to Put a Dirty Gas Plant on a Beautiful Coastline. It Failed.

Earthjustice’s work in state energy proceedings like California is driving the state, and the nation’s, clean energy transition.

Dr. Dolores Leonard has been fighting for environmental justice in River Rouge, Michigan for decades.  (Brittany Greeson for Earthjustice)
Article June 7, 2024

Michigan’s Residents Win Relief in One of State’s Most Polluted Regions

Earthjustice advocacy at Michigan’s public service commission is shutting down dirty fossil fuel energy and making the state a clean energy leader.

Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
feature June 20, 2024

How Hawai‘i’s Youth Advocates are Fighting for Hawai‘i’s Future

As the climate crisis threatens their land, food, and traditions, 14 youth advocates took the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation to court to spur climate action.

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release February 27, 2024

Community Groups Left in the Dark on Suncor Fenceline Monitoring Settlement

State provided little time for intervening groups to review key documents before approving settlement

Press Release March 27, 2024

Community Groups Reach Legal Settlement with KIUC, State on West Kaua‘i Hydro Project

Pō‘ai Wai Ola and Nā Kia‘i Kai raised concerns about the energy project’s impact on the Waimea River

Press Release October 26, 2023

Oregon Public Utility Commission Approves Settlement with Avista to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Restrict Political Spending

Agreement prohibits the gas utility from spending ratepayer funds on efforts to undermine state climate law; expands low-income weatherization programs

Swimmers and surfers ride the waves at Kekaha Beach in West Kauaʻi.
(Clement Faydi / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release: Victory January 31, 2024

West Kauaʻi to Address Water Pollution at Kīkīaola Small Boat Harbor in Settlement with Community Groups

The groups reached a settlement with the County of Kauaʻi and Department of Health after filing a lawsuit in 2022 to enforce the Clean Water Act, capping a series of suits to protect West Kaua‘i coastal waters

Press Release: Victory February 8, 2024

Advocates and Consumers Energy Reach Agreement on Critical Energy Efficiency Programs

Michigan Public Service Commission approves settlement agreement that will significantly help utility customers

A ‘ua‘u (Hawaiian petrel) chick in its burrow. (Andre Raine / U.S. FWS)
Press Release June 10, 2024

Groups Seek Court Order to Protect Endangered Seabirds from Resort Lights

Grand Wailea must keep lights off to avoid killing and injuring Hawaiian petrels

document April 29, 2024

Oyster Bay: USFWS April 2024 Settlement

The agreement follows a lawsuit filed in 2023 by the North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association and the Center for Food Safety, both represented by Earthjustice, challenging the Service’s decades-long failure to prevent harm from industrial shellfish dredging.

The homeowner works on weatherizing their home. Home weatherization reduces energy costs, helping to keep the heat on in the winter while also reducing fuel use. (Dennis Schroeder / NREL)
Press Release: Victory August 4, 2023

Advocates Reach Settlement with Avista to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Expand Low-income Efficiency Programs

The utility would also be required to restrict political spending that undermines state climate law