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From the Experts: Victory February 4, 2025

D.C. Court Greenlights Climate Greenwashing Case

The Superior Court for the District of Columbia denied Tyson Food, Inc.’s efforts to avoid liability and allowed the case to move forward.

document January 27, 2025

Hawaii Water Commission: Complaint and Summons

Plaintiff Hui Kānāwai ‘Oia‘i‘o seek a judicial declaration that Defendants Governor Josh Green and the Commission on Water Resource Management unlawfully and invalidly circumvented the process for nominating members of the commission.

feature January 29, 2025

Tools for Communities: Federal Hydrogen Hub Community Guide

How communities can gain information about and influence over Hydrogen Hub projects, including DOE’s Community Benefits Plan requirements

The Florida Scrub-Jay is the only bird species found exclusively in the state of Florida. (Zach Stern / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release January 28, 2025

Conservation groups take legal action to ensure survival of declining Florida Scrub-Jay

Groups move to block effort to rescind Endangered Species Act protections

document December 16, 2024

Complaint: Port of Long Beach Oil Storage Expansion

Earthjustice, representing and co-counseling with Communities for a Better Environment, sued the City of Long Beach for approving a controversial crude oil storage project at the Port of Long Beach. The project — proposed by World Oil Terminals — includes the construction of two 25,000-barrel tanks, exacerbating environmental and health harms for environmental justice communities already overburdened by industrial pollution from the second busiest port in the United States.

document December 4, 2024

Māui Dolphin: U.S. Court of International Trade Complaint

U.S. Court of International Trade Complaint: By authorizing imports of seafood from harmful fisheries in New Zealand, the federal government is not only neglecting their duty to protect the world’s marine mammal species from decline, but facilitating the extinction of the most endangered marine dolphin in the world: the Māui dolphin.

document December 3, 2024

Bitterroot Complaint

Local and national wildlife conservation groups filed a lawsuit challenging federal agencies’ plans to allow increased road building in the Bitterroot National Forest that would cause harm to grizzly bears and bull trout; both of which are listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

document November 19, 2024

Complaint: Maui HECO Streetlights

Plaintiffs Conservation Council for Hawai‘i and American Bird Conservancy hereby complain of the actions of Defendants Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and Maui Electric Company, Ltd and County of Maui to defend three critically imperiled seabirds from streetlights that are native to Hawai‘i and protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Filed Nov. 19, 2024.

In the News: The New York Times July 2, 2024

A Seismic Supreme Court Decision

Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs, Earthjustice: “Any time the Court makes it harder for the government to regulate, and easier for businesses to challenge regulations, it makes it more likely that the industry will injure the public and the planet in search of profits. It’s basic economics.”

document November 21, 2024

Complaint: San Jacinto River Waste Pits

Challenging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to approve a dredging and mooring project near the San Jacinto River Waste Pits (SJRWP) Superfund Site in southeast Texas.

Rice's whale, photographed in the Gulf of Mexico. Rice's whales are members of the baleen whale family Balaenopteridae. With likely fewer than 100 individuals remaining, Rice's whales are one of the most endangered whales in the world. (NOAA)
Update February 22, 2023

Oil Companies are Blasting Seismic Air Guns in an Endangered Whale’s Habitat

With less than 100 Gulf of Mexico whales remaining, they are at critical risk if oil companies ramp up seismic oil exploration.

document November 14, 2024

Complaint: Conservation Group Sues Feds Over Fish Hatchery Shooting Migratory Birds

Earthjustice, representing Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society, sued the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for allowing the state of Montana to shoot and kill migratory birds at the Miles City Fish Hatchery along the Yellowstone River. The federal lawsuit, filed in the Montana District Court, charges FWS with unlawfully allowing Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, which runs the hatchery, to kill birds in order to limit their consumption of non-native bass.

The Herbert A. Wagner Generating Station, on the shore of Cox Creek next to the Patapsco River in Maryland, with the stacks of the Brandon Shores Generating Station in the background. (Acroterion / CC BY-SA 4.0)
Press Release September 27, 2024

Advocates File Complaint Against PJM for Flaws that Inflated Auction Results, Costing Customers Billions

Mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM’s capacity market auctions make customers pay twice for fossil fuel power

The endangered right whale is among the marine creatures threatened by seismic testing.
(Edurivero / Getty Images)
Press Release December 11, 2018

Groups Sue Feds to Stop Seismic Airgun Blasting in Atlantic Ocean

First step toward offshore drilling jeopardizes critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, puts marine life at risk

Rice's whale — a new species of whale recognized in 2021, previously known as a subpopulation of Bryde's whale, endemic to the Gulf of Mexico.
(NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release July 22, 2021

Groups Challenge Seismic Oil and Gas Testing in the Gulf of Mexico

Powerful underwater blasts put iconic endangered whale at risk

The endangered right whale is among the marine creatures threatened by seismic testing.
(Edurivero / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory October 1, 2020

Seismic Blasting Efforts Halted in Atlantic Ocean

Permits will expire next month; industry won’t launch boats this year

The White House in Washington, D.C. (René DeAnda / Unsplash)
feature January 19, 2025

In Conversation: The 2024 Election Outcomes and The Work Ahead

In the aftermath of the 2024 election, Abigail Dillen, President of Earthjustice, discussed the outcomes of the election and how they will affect Earthjustice’s litigation, advocacy, and political work.

An onshore wind power facility near Tarfaya, Morocco. Earthjustice is expanding collaboration across Africa to accelerate the transition to renewable energy.
feature November 17, 2024

Earthjustice Around the World

Earthjustice partners with organizations and communities around the world to establish, strengthen, and enforce legal protections for the environment and public health.