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The Cheswick Generating Station operated next door to homes in Springdale, Penn., for more than 50 years until it finally closed in 2022. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature July 19, 2024

We’re Still Cleaning Up the Trump Administration’s Environmental Messes

Earthjustice successfully blocked much damage, and we’ve seen progress toward repair under the Biden administration. But we will never recover some of what was lost.

Sockeye salmon race through the Alagnak River in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed.
(Photo courtesy of Fish Eye Guy Photography)
feature May 17, 2024

Alaska’s Bristol Bay & The Pebble Mine

An open-pit mine threatened one of the last places on Earth where wild salmon still thrive. We will protect Bristol Bay, one of our world's surviving great ecosystems.

A Cook Inlet beluga calf swims with three larger beluga whales. (Paul Wade / NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Federal Court Reverses Offshore Oil Lease Sale That Threatened Belugas off Alaska’s Coast

Ruling in favor of environmental groups highlights concerns about endangered whales

The Bristol Bay area of Alaska, where the proposed Pebble Mine threatens both one of the largest salmon spawning grounds in the world and the way of life for an entire area. (Pat Clayton / Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Press Release May 17, 2024

Conservation Groups Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision on the Proposed Pebble Mine

Earthjustice and NRDC join with Trustees for Alaska on behalf of 15 groups to defend Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine

For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have charted the seven seas. (Irina Kozhemyakina / iStockphoto)
From the Experts February 8, 2024

Animal Magnetism: Sea turtles may follow Earth’s pull to navigate home

We’re fighting to protect the Gulf’s imperiled species as oil and gas corporations run freighters through precious habitat, drill deeper, and blast along the Gulf floor.

Sockeye salmon race through the Alagnak River in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed.
(Photo courtesy of Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Update May 20, 2024

Earthjustice Returns to Court to Protect Huge Win Against Proposed Pebble Mine

The proposed mine would destroy nearly 100 miles of fish stream habitat and 2,100 acres of wetlands, lakes, and ponds.

Loggerhead sea turtles are among the marine creatures vulnerable to seismic testing for gas and oil.
(Vladimir Wrangel / Getty Images)
Update March 19, 2024

13,000 Sea Turtle Deaths a Year Is Too Many

Earthjustice is in court challenging a Trump-era allowance that says drillers can kill thousands of turtles a year and harm many more.

Protestors paddle next to the Mackinac Bridge at the Pipe Out Paddle Up Flotilla Against the Line 5 pipeline in Mackinaw City, Michigan. (Sarah Rice for Earthjustice)
Article July 11, 2024

The Great Lakes Are Under Threat

The Line 5 pipeline has already leaked over 1 million gallons of oil to date and threatens the Great Lakes. Now, the company behind it is proposing a dangerous reroute project.

An industrial shellfish dredge boat with a trailing plume of churned-up sediment in Oyster Bay Harbor, which includes portions of the Congressman Lester Wolff Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  (Eric Gulbransen / North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association)
Press Release: Victory April 30, 2024

In Response to Lawsuit, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agrees to Reevaluate Industrial Shellfish Dredging in Long Island Wildlife Refuge

Service will begin process to ensure that industrial dredging does not conflict with wildlife protection, according to settlement agreement with traditional shellfish harvesters and conservationists

In the News: Washington Post June 20, 2024

Bayer lobbies Congress to help fight lawsuits tying Roundup to cancer

Daniel Savery, Senior Legislative Representative, Policy & Legislation: “They’ve been losing, so they’re coming to Congress with hat in hand trying to change the law.”

document May 17, 2024

Joint Motion to Intervene to Defend Bristol Bay Against the Pebble Mine

A coalition of 15 conservation groups, represented by Earthjustice, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Trustees for Alaska filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s decision that protects Bristol Bay from harmful mines, like the proposed Pebble Mine, under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act.

In the News: Tampa Bay Times June 20, 2024

Across Florida, residents fear impact of higher Duke, Tampa Electric rates

Tampa Bay residents spoke before utility regulators at a rare set of public hearings. Florida residents pay some of the highest energy bills in the country.

From Mission Hill Overlook, overlooking Bay Mills Indian Community with Spectacle Lake and Lake Superior in the background. (Whitney Gravelle)
Press Release June 28, 2024

Tribes Move to Defend EPA’s Tribal Water Rights Rule

Seven Tribal nations seek to fend off attack by 12 states

document April 29, 2024

Oyster Bay: USFWS April 2024 Settlement

The agreement follows a lawsuit filed in 2023 by the North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association and the Center for Food Safety, both represented by Earthjustice, challenging the Service’s decades-long failure to prevent harm from industrial shellfish dredging.

page July 11, 2024

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Press Release April 6, 2021

Groups Sue to Prevent Imperiled Sea Turtles from Drowning in Fishing Nets

Government must require turtle excluder devices on all shrimp boats

Bay Mills Community
(Photo courtesy of Whitney Gravelle)
feature April 14, 2023

One Tribe’s Fight to Protect the Great Lakes

The Bay Mills Indian Community is fighting efforts to extend the life of a dangerous oil pipeline that runs through its tribal territory and one of the world’s most sensitive ecosystems.

Press Release: Victory January 31, 2023

EPA Issues Landmark Clean Water Act Decision Protecting Bristol Bay Watershed from Pebble Mine

EPA decision protects Bristol Bay waters from becoming a dumping ground for mine waste; effectively rebuffing the threat of Pebble Mine