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The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 5, 2024

Groups Submit Notice of Intent to Sue Suncor Over Repeated Clean Air Act Violations

Suncor has reported over 1,000 emissions exceedances or violations since 2019

Press Release June 5, 2024

Tras Repetidas Violaciones de Suncor a la Ley de Aire Limpio, Grupos Presentan Aviso de Intención de Demanda

Suncor ha informado más de mil excedencias o violaciones de emisiones desde 2019

In the News: CBS News July 9, 2024

Colorado neighbors react to Suncor air quality violation: “This is just the beginning”

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “EPA’s inspection and violation notice is a big step in the right direction, but it is just a first step. There is still a long road toward holding Suncor accountable for its many violations.”

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 8, 2024

Conservation and Environmental Justice Groups File Administrative Appeal of Suncor Water Permit

Groups seek lower PFAS limits and shorter compliance schedules to help protect communities

In the News: Westword June 6, 2024

Environmental Groups File Notice to Sue Suncor Oil Refinery

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “The reason that we felt compelled to go in this direction is Suncor’s chronic history of exceeding the limits in its air permit.”

In the News: Colorado Sun June 5, 2024

Nearly 10,000 Suncor air pollution violations in 5 years could lead to citizen lawsuit, groups warn

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “Whatever the state is doing has not stopped Suncor from continuing its same history of these chronic exceedances. What enforcement is supposed to be about is bringing sources into compliance and deterring future violations, and what the state has done thus far clearly hasn’t been sufficient.”

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release February 27, 2024

Community Groups Left in the Dark on Suncor Fenceline Monitoring Settlement

State provided little time for intervening groups to review key documents before approving settlement

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release February 5, 2024

Colorado Reaches Settlement with Suncor Energy on Fenceline Monitoring Lawsuit

A separate enforcement action announced today penalizes Suncor for repeated air pollution violations

In the News: The Colorado Sun March 6, 2024

Suncor gets tougher “forever chemicals” and toxins limits in new Colorado water permit

Michael Freeman, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “This permit gives Suncor an extraordinarily long time to comply with permit limits. The company won’t have to meet its PFAS limits for three years. For several other pollutants, Suncor will get more than six years to comply. That timeline is problematic because this is only a five-year permit.…

The Suncor Energy refinery in Commerce City, Colorado. (Matt Nager for Earthjustice)
Press Release October 31, 2023

Groups Urge EPA to Act on Suncor East Plant Air Permit as 90-Day Deadline Passes

Colorado was provided 90 days to revise Suncor’s Title V permit after EPA’s objection

document June 5, 2024

Suncor: Notice of Intent

Environmental justice and conservation groups submitted a 60-day notice of intent to sue Suncor Energy for repeated violations of the Clean Air Act at the company’s Commerce City, CO, refinery.

In the News: ABC Denver7 June 5, 2024

Suncor faces lawsuit by environmental groups over repeated air pollution violations

Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “The Clean Air Act allows the most affected people to step in when the government either can’t or won’t enforce the laws sufficiently.”

Press Release November 1, 2022

Grupos Intervienen Para Mantener Los Requisitos De Monitoreo De Alambrado Para La Refinería De Suncor

La intervención busca proteger tanto el plan de monitoreo reforzado para Suncor, como la propia Ley de Monitoreo de Alambrado

Press Release November 1, 2022

Groups Intervene To Maintain Fenceline Monitoring Requirements for Suncor Refinery

Intervention seeks to protect Suncor's strengthened monitoring plan and Fenceline Monitoring Law itself

The Suncor refinery in North Denver.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
From the Experts November 7, 2022

Colorado's Suncor Refinery is Fighting a Plan to Monitor its Toxic Pollution

Suncor filed a suit against the state to block fenceline monitoring requirements for its refinery, but community and environmental groups quickly moved to intervene and ensure they remain in place

Press Release October 11, 2022

Groups, Community Members Petition for EPA Objection to Suncor East Plant Air Permit

Petition argues that Suncor has shown it is incapable of consistently complying with emission limits

Press Release October 11, 2022

Grupos y Miembros en Denver Solicitan A Que La EPA Se Oponga Al Permiso De Polución Del Aire De La Planta Este de Suncor

La petición argumenta que Suncor ha demostrado que es incapaz de cumplir consistentemente con los límites de emisión

The Suncor Energy refinery in Commerce City, Colorado. (Matt Nager for Earthjustice)
Press Release June 29, 2023

Colorado Water Division to Consider Enforcement Action Against Suncor Refinery

Division sent compliance advisory to Suncor for benzene and solids exceedances