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 Caribou make their way across the Lake Teshekpuk area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Update July 24, 2024

How You Can Help Protect the Western Arctic from Oil and Gas Drilling

The Biden administration adopted new protections for millions of acres of the Arctic in April. Now it’s time for the next step.

Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Corte Federal Revoca Oferta de Arrendamiento de Petróleo en Altamar que Amenazaba a las Belugas Frente a la Costa de Alaska

El fallo a favor de grupos ambientalistas resalta las preocupaciones sobre la supervivencia de las ballenas beluga

A Cook Inlet beluga calf swims with three larger beluga whales. (Paul Wade / NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Federal Court Reverses Offshore Oil Lease Sale That Threatened Belugas off Alaska’s Coast

Ruling in favor of environmental groups highlights concerns about endangered whales

 Caribou make their way across the Lake Teshekpuk area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Press Release July 12, 2024

Earthjustice Supports New Protections for the Arctic

Expanding Western Arctic protections will help safeguard irreplaceable Arctic ecosystems from harmful fossil fuel development

(Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release May 1, 2024

Earthjustice Slams Congressional Votes on Anti-Environmental Bills

“This week’s votes are the anti-Earth week nobody asked for.”

document April 25, 2024

Letter in Opposition to Stauber Alaska Bill

HR 6285 would undo the Biden administration’s actions on the Arctic.

Caribou in the Western Arctic.
(Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice)
Press Release April 19, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds New Rules Limiting Future Oil Drilling in Western Arctic

Biden administration unveils new regulations that will help preserve 13 million acres in Alaska

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
feature December 20, 2023

2023: Another Big Year Defending the Arctic

With your support, this year, we kept up the fight to preserve Arctic lands and waters that are critical to the survival of wildlife, culturally important to Indigenous peoples, and serve as vital bulwarks against climate change.

Caribou in the Western Arctic, the region where the Willow Project is being planned. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Article November 22, 2023

Disrupting the Willow Project and Big Oil’s Even Bigger Dreams

Earthjustice filed an appeal and a motion to prevent construction on the Alaska mega-project. Here’s what comes next.

Fossil fuel pipelines crossing the Western Arctic in Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Update November 17, 2023

We Just Filed an Appeal to Stop the Willow Project

Willow would be catastrophic for the climate, and we will not drop our challenge.

Press Release November 10, 2023

Tras Fallo Que Favorece al Proyecto Petrolero Willow, Grupos Presentarán Apelación

Grupos conservacionistas prometen seguir luchando contra el proyecto de combustibles fósiles de ConocoPhillips en el Ártico

Caribou in the western Arctic. (Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice)
Press Release November 9, 2023

Alaska District Court Rules Willow Oil Project Can Proceed; Conservation Groups Plan To File Appeal

Groups vow to keep up the fight against ConocoPhillips fossil fuel project in Arctic

document November 9, 2023

Willow Oil Project: Alaska District Court Decision

Groups vow to keep up the fight against ConocoPhillips fossil fuel project in Arctic

Press Release September 6, 2023

Earthjustice Celebra Cancelación De Ofertas Para Exploración en Refugios En El Ártico Y Otras Acciones Propuestas

La administración Biden cancela ofertas ilegales y abre nuevos procesos que podrían preservar las preciadas tierras árticas en Alaska, pero se necesita más para abordar la mayor amenaza climática: más perforaciones en los arrendamientos de petróleo y gas existentes en el Ártico occidental.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the Brooks Range mountains, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres / Getty Images)
Update: Victory September 6, 2023

In Big Win for Arctic, Government Cancels Illegal Oil Leases in Alaska

Earthjustice has advocated for decades in courts and Congress to protect these lands.

The 19 million acres of tundra, rivers and mountains of the Arctic Refuge shelter migratory birds from all 50 states and six continents each summer. To the Gwich'in people of northeast Alaska, this is sacred ground. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Press Release September 6, 2023

Earthjustice Celebrates Cancellation of Arctic Refuge Leases and Proposed Future Actions

Biden administration cancels illegal leases and opens new processes that could preserve cherished Arctic lands in Alaska. More is needed to tackle the biggest climate threat: further oil drilling on existing oil and gas leases in the Western Arctic 

Endangered beluga whale, photographed during a hexacopter photogrammetry study of the Cook Inlet population. (Paul Wade / NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release August 11, 2023

Lawsuit Challenges Federal Approval of Alaska LNG Exports

Energy Department export approval failed to fully assess project’s climate, environmental harms

document August 11, 2023

Petition for Review, DOE Approval of Alaska LNG Exports

Conservation groups sued the federal government today for approving exports from the Alaska LNG Project, which would transport gas from Alaska’s North Slope to Asia. The lawsuit challenges the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) export approval for failing to fully assess the project’s climate and environmental harms.