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Grizzly bear near Swan Lake Flats in Yellowstone National Park. (Jim Peaco / National Park Service)
Press Release: Victory June 28, 2024

Court Ruling Recognizes Roads Harm Grizzly Bears in Flathead National Forest

Conservation groups secure another win for grizzly bears and bull trout

document June 28, 2024

Flathead Forest Roadbuilding – Order

A Montana District Court ruling recognized that grizzly bears are indeed impacted by existing roadways that do not receive motorized use, which the agencies failed to consider when allowing increased roadbuilding in the Flathead National Forest. Grizzly bears have learned to avoid roads — even closed roads — and are often displaced from habitat that features them.

(Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release June 26, 2024

Earthjustice Joins Environmental and Civil Justice Organizations in Opposition to Chair Westerman’s Anti-Forestry Bill

While proponents of the bill claim it will address forest management and wildfires, it would primarily undermine environmental laws

document June 26, 2024

Environmental Groups Oppose ‘Fix Our Forests’ Act

Over 85 environmental groups express opposition to the ‘Fix Our Forests’ Act.

document June 25, 2024

Civil Justice Letter Opposing ‘Fix Our Forests’ Act

Civil justice groups send a letter to House Natural Resources Committee to express strong opposition to the judicial review provisions in H.R. 8790, the “Fix Our Forest Act” bill.

An old-growth forest in Oregon. (Frances Eatherington)
Press Release June 20, 2024

U.S. Forest Service Advances Protections Plan for Old-Growth Forests

Release of environmental review document kicks off a 90-day public comment period

Press Release June 13, 2024

Community Groups Challenge Permit for Washington’s First Industrial Wood Pellet Fuel Plant

The permit vastly underestimates harmful air pollution from the plant that would cause health impacts to residents in nearby communities

A farmworker harvests strawberries in Salinas, California. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 11, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Senate Republican’s Partisan Farm Bill Proposal, Urges Cooperation with Senator Stabenow

Senator Boozman’s proposal fails to address the realities farmers across the country face amid a changing climate

A farm near Clarinda in southwest Iowa, where sustainable farming practices are used.
(Brad Zweerink for Earthjustice)
From the Experts May 22, 2024

House Farm Bill Squanders Environmental Opportunities

With provisions to rollback climate-smart agriculture provisions, weaken environmental laws, and offer handouts to polluting industries, the House Farm Bill is the culmination of a toxic partisan process.

The U.S. Capitol building. (Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release May 20, 2024

Earthjustice Opposes Proposed Farm Bill Climate and Nutrition Funding Cuts and Inserts of Pro-logging Provisions

Opposition grows as poison pills appear in previews of the Farm Bill text by Republican House Ag Committee Chair Glenn Thompson which include reductions in key climate and nutrition programs and undercuts to bedrock environmental law and Endangered Species Act

Located in Alaska's panhandle, the Tongass is the country's largest national forest — and home to nearly one-third of all old-growth temperate rainforest remaining in the entire world. (Lee Prince / Shutterstock)
Press Release April 8, 2024

Matsui, Huffman, Sarbanes and 45 Members of the House Support U.S. Forest Service Old-Growth Initiative

Climate Forests Campaign responds with statement

Located in Alaska's panhandle, the Tongass is the country's largest national forest — and home to nearly one-third of all old-growth temperate rainforest remaining in the entire world. (Lee Prince / Shutterstock)
From the Experts April 4, 2024

The Forest Service Wants to Hear from the Public on Tongass National Forest Management

U.S. Forest Service officials are traveling throughout Southeast Alaska to hear from residents about how they want our nation’s largest forest managed in coming decades.

View from Deer Mountain Trail in Tongass National Forest, Alaska. (Mark Meyer / U.S. Forest Service)
Update March 19, 2024

We Must Continue to Defend America’s Largest Old-Growth Forest

Earthjustice is in court fighting the state of Alaska and industry representatives as they try to undo the safeguards that keep the Tongass standing.

An old-growth forest in Oregon. (Frances Eatherington)
Press Release March 14, 2024

Climate Forests Campaign Responds to Senator Barrasso Bill Targeting Old-Growth Forests

Bill aims to undermine Forest Service efforts to protect old-growth trees

Montana’s cold, clean streams contain some of the last prime habitat in the United States for threatened bull trout, whose historic range has shrunk by half.
(Joel Sartore / National Geographic Stock / U.S. FWS)
Press Release: Victory March 13, 2024

Court Again Finds Flathead National Forest Roadbuilding Harms Grizzly Bears and Bull Trout

Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service did not lawfully examine impacts to species

document March 12, 2024

Flathead National Forest Findings

A Montana District Court ruling found that significant new roadbuilding projects in the Flathead National Forest will negatively impact Endangered Species Act-listed grizzly bears and bull trout. The court found that the U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service did not lawfully examine the impacts to these species when the agencies greenlit the roadbuilding plan in 2018.

In the News: Missoula Current February 22, 2024

Judge hears arguments on Flathead Forest roads, grizzlies

Tim Preso, Managing Attorney, Biodiversity Defense Program: “The science showing that roads continue to displace bears goes all the way back to (1995) and hasn’t changed. The problem is they’ve never applied that science to look at what is the consequence of having all that road network out there in terms of the displacement effect…

A Bureau of Land Management-maintained forest in Oregon. (Bureau of Land Management)
Press Release February 2, 2024

Forest Service Urged to Bolster Protections for Forests in Proposed Policy

Comments call for addressing major gaps on selling old growth and protecting mature forests