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E-Commerce Warehouses by Potential Environmental Justice Area in NYC, 2022. (Alok Disa / Earthjustice)
Press Release July 18, 2024

As Prime Day Draws Record Profits and Extreme Truck Traffic, Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes and ElectrifyNY Coalition Call for Clean Deliveries

Pivotal bill provides advancements in public health and clean air, prevents corporations from clustering mega-warehouses in low-income communities of color, and advances New York’s climate mandates

Press Release July 5, 2024

New Jersey Lawmakers Propose to Cut Air Pollution from Warehouses and Ports

Bill would help clean New Jersey’s air at a time of exploding warehouse and port pollution

A forklift is used to move sheets of steel from a stack. (Thomas Barwick / Getty Images)
Press Release June 27, 2024

California Passes First Zero-Emissions Forklift Rule in the U.S.

New standard will lift a load of smog by shifting 89,000 forklifts to zero emissions, saving the lives of 544 Californians

Vast warehouses bump up against homes in Southern California. (David McNew / The New York Times)
From the Experts June 24, 2024

California Reins in Its Smoggy Warehouse Problem

A new approach to mega warehouse pollution is showing early success in the fight against diesel pollution. Everyone should be talking about Indirect Source Rules.

Press Release June 21, 2024

Community Fights For Clean Air, Challenges Bloomington Warehouse In Court

Predominantly working class Latino community targeted with a disproportionate number of industrial projects

Press Release June 17, 2024

NYS Houses Make Some Progress on Transportation but the Legislature Leaves Much to be Desired As Session Comes to a Close

ElectrifyNY Coalition Statement: In the wake of congestion pricing stall by Governor Hochul, NY legislators desperately need to pick up slack to tackle pollution, protect communities, and safeguard workers

Construction on a last-mile warehouse in Syosset, New York. Concentrations of last-mile warehouses have an outsized impact on air quality and noise pollution due to higher numbers of truck trips, 24/7 operating times, and other factors. (Bruce Bennett / Getty Images)
Press Release June 6, 2024

In Final Days of Legislative Session, New York Senate Heeds Call for Cleaner Air and Corporate Accountability by Passing the Clean Deliveries Act

With Congestion Pricing indefinitely stalled by Governor Hochul in New York City, the need for traffic reduction and pollution abatement statewide has never been greater

In the News: Los Angeles Times June 5, 2024

‘Who’s going to live here?’ What happens when an e-commerce warehouse takes out your neighborhood

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Right to Zero: “There are people who don’t want these warehouses in their communities, and they just want to be left with peace.”

“Esta carta de la vicealcaldesa Torres-Springer es un momento decisivo para las comunidades de justicia ambiental en los cinco condados”, dijo la concejal Alexa Avilés.(Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release May 22, 2024

La Ciudad de Nueva York se Compromete a Regular los Almacenes de Última Milla

La ciudad también se ha comprometido a establecer una regla de fuente indirecta para regular las emisiones causadas por los almacenes de última milla

Councilmember Avilés Speaks at Last-Mile Coalition press conference. (Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release: Victory May 22, 2024

City of New York Commits to Regulating Last-Mile Warehouses Amid Calls to Address Growing Industry

The City has also committed to establishing an indirect source rule to regulate the emissions caused by last-mile warehouses, when finalized NYC will be the first city to implement an ISR

Andrea Vidaurre of the People's Collective for Environmental Justice speaks at a rally before a California Air Resources Board public hearing to consider proposed clean trucks regulation in 2022 in Sacramento Calif. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature April 29, 2024

Fighting to Breathe: Andrea Vidaurre is Taking on the Freight Industry’s Pollution from California to Washington, D.C.

“People should care about what’s going on here because all of us benefit from the goods movement system — no matter where you live.”

Press Release April 21, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: New York Governor Hochul and Legislature Finalize the SFY2024-25 Budget

Falls short on climate; restores critical funding for water infrastructure

(Getty Images)
Press Release February 6, 2024

As Amazon Reports $170 Billion in Record Profits, ElectrifyNY Coalition Calls for Responsible Operations and Clean Deliveries

Tailpipe emissions pollute the air causing public health harms and exacerbate the climate crisis; Clean Deliveries Act will drive legislative and zero-emission solutions

In the News: King5 January 2, 2024

Warehouses on the way: King, Pierce counties see influx of new developments

Molly Tack-Hooper, Senior Attorney, Northwest Office: “These warehouses are highly automated. It’s a lot of robots moving things around, so the job increases are not actually there. The jobs associated with warehouses are decreasing as technology gets better in these warehouses and gets more automated.”

(Courtesy of The Office of Senator Gianaris)
Press Release November 29, 2023

ElectrifyNY Coalition, Lawmakers, and Environmental Justice Advocates Launch Campaign in Support of the Clean Deliveries Act

The pivotal bill provides advancements in public health and clean air, prevents corporations from clustering mega-warehouses in low-income communities of color, and advances New York’s climate mandates

The Bridge Industrial South Tacoma Warehouse Project in Tacoma, Wash. ,would create significant truck traffic, air and climate pollution, and threatens to increase flooding and temperatures in the area and jeopardize the city’s aquifer and nearby streams. (© MapTiler  © OpenStreetMap contributors)
feature October 6, 2023

What You Should Know About the Bridge Industrial South Tacoma Warehouse Project

Where the warehouse project is located, its likely impacts, and how you can get involved

document July 18, 2023

Prehearing Brief of Appellants

In the matter of the appeal of 350 Tacoma and South Tacoma Neighborhood Council. From the April 21, 2023, Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance and Critical Area Development Permit issued by the City of Tacoma

document July 18, 2023

Appellants’ Exhibit List

Exhibit numbers and descriptions for appellants 350 Tacoma and South Tacoma Neighborhood Council