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document February 20, 2020

Letter to Mayor of Centreville

Centreville community members sent a formal letter urging city leadership to meet with residents, and to detail its plans and timeline for addressing the failing sewage infrastructure.

document February 19, 2020

World Heritage and Climate Change

Letter from 76 organizations and individuals concerned about the impacts of climate change on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of UNESCO World Heritage properties

document February 19, 2020

Potential PFAS incinerators contracted by DOD

According to government documents Earthjustice obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, PFAS burning already took place, or is taking place, in the towns of East Liverpool, Ohio; Arkadelphia and El Dorado, Arkansas; and Cohoes, New York. The contracts also authorize PFAS incineration in other locations, including Port Arthur, Texas, and Sauget, Illinois. Incineration may already be underway in those and other locations, too, but DOD has not fully responded to FOIA requests seeking a full list of incineration locations.

document February 11, 2020

Comments of Sierra Club on Questions Regarding the Commission’s Regulation of Autonomous Vehicles

Sierra Club submits comments on some of the questions regarding the commission’s regulation of autonomous vehicles filed on December 19, 2019. The Commission’s regulatory framework for autonomous vehicles (“AVs”) in passenger service should include two requirements to ensure that these vehicles do not cause a spike in greenhouse gases and congestion: All AVs with deployment permits for passenger service should (1) be zero-emission vehicles and (2) offer shared rides.

document February 6, 2020

NOI for Failure to Perform Nondiscretionary Duties

60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue for Failure to Perform Nondiscretionary Duties under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

document February 6, 2020

Coal Combustion Residuals Closure Deadlines (Part A) Hearing Request

Request for Public Hearings and 120-Day Comment Periods for Proposed Rules regarding Coal Combustion Residuals Closure Deadlines (Part A) and Revision of Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Limitations Guidelines

document February 4, 2020

Comments on the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Proposed Part 351, “Plastic Bag Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling”

New York's legislature passed a strong law banning single-use plastic bags, however, the state's Department of Environmental Conservation proposed regulations that would allow thicker bags to be used, undermining the law. The loophole ultimately increases the lifecycle impacts from plastic bags, from the fossil fuel extraction, to harmful chemical additives, to the bags ending up on streets and oceans, or to later be burned or added to the landfills.

document February 3, 2020

Earthjustice Comments on PFAS TRI ANPRM

Comments urging EPA to take swift action on gathering data, listing PFAS

document February 3, 2020

Complaint: U.S. Elk Feeding Program

Plaintiffs in this case challenge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s issuance on December 31, 2019 of an unlawful and inadequate Step-Down Plan for reducing the Service’s program for artificial feeding of wild elk wintering on the Jackson Hole National Elk Refuge, where feeding exposes the elk to a host of severe disease threats.

document February 3, 2020

Draft Step-Down Plan Bison and Elk Management: A Review

In 2007 the National Elk Refuge (NER) and Grand Teton National Park (GRTE, collectively the Refuge and Park) published their Bison and Elk Management Plan (BEMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), providing operational guidance for the management of these species in the southern Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) on Interior lands. That plan recognized that feeding wildlife (specifically elk) placed that resource at great risk of disease amplification and was antithesis to sound ecological management. As had been known for years before the BEMP (e.g. see Dunkley and Cattet, 2003), feeding wildlife has “significant [adverse] ecological effects …at the individual, population, and community levels”. The BEMP therefore included a goal of reducing and eventually eliminating reliance of wildlife on supplemental feed. However the Plan lacked methods, metrics, milestones, deadlines or criteria to assess progress or measure eventual success at reducing supplemental feeding. Now, nearly 13 years after BEMP implementation, the Refuge and Park have produced this Draft Step Down Plan (SDP) and associated Environmental Assessment (EA) from the BEMP as their vision of how reliance on supplemental feed might be reduced. While the ultimate goal of managing wildlife under a feed-free paradigm is ecologically sound, the SDP is too little, too late, with a poor chance of success.

document January 31, 2020

Part A Comments: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2019-0172

Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; A Holistic Approach to Closure Part A: Deadline To Initiate Closure. Comments of Earthjustice, Environmental Integrity Project, Sierra Club, Waterkeeper Alliance, Clean Water Action, Natural Resources Defense Council, Southern Environmental Law Center, Labadie Environmental Organization, Hoosier Environmental Council, Prairie Rivers Network, and Eco-Justice Collaborative

document January 29, 2020

Notice of Intent to File Suit to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aircraft

Notice of Intent to File Suit Under Section 304 of the Clean Air Act with Respect to Proposed Rulemaking to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aircraft

document January 27, 2020

Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief of DLNR, State of Hawai‘i

Complaint of DLNR, State of Hawai‘i. Despite courts directives to halt commercial aquarium collection until the environmental review process has been completed, DLNR has allowed such collection to continue unlawfully under commercial marine licenses (CMLs) and has issued or renewed CMLs to commercial aquarium collectors.

document January 23, 2020

Support Letter for ALJ Kersten’s Proposed Decision Approving Limited Modification to D.18-06-028.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, Climate Action Campaign, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Environmental Defense Fund, The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition and SanDiego350 write to express our strong support for Administrative Law Judge Kersten’s Proposed Decision Approving Modifications to Decision 18-06-028 and corresponding opposition to Commissioner Randolph’s Alternate Proposed Decision Approving Limited Modifications to D.18-06-028.

document January 21, 2020

ELG Comments: EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0819

Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category. Comments of Earthjustice, Environmental Integrity Project, Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, Natural Resources Defense Council, Waterkeeper Alliance, Southern Environmental Law Center, and The Center For Biological Diversity

document January 17, 2020

Allegheny Defense Project Amicus 17-1098

All parties and intervenors appearing in this Court are listed in the certificate to Petitioners’ Joint Brief on Rehearing En Banc.

document January 16, 2020

60 Day Notice of Intent to Sue: Wolverine ESA Wolverine Protection

Conservation groups sent a notice of their intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to protect wolverines as required by the Endangered Species Act. There are fewer than 300 wolverines left in the lower-48, and they remain threatened by habitat loss and climate change.

document January 16, 2020

EPA Lead Hazard Standards Opening Brief (Case: 19-71930)

The lead hazard standards updated in June 2019 determine whether lead in homes, child-care facilities, and surrounding soil poses a risk. But the standards the Trump administration unveiled are too lax to protect families. The lawsuit was filed in the 9th Circuit on behalf of A Community Voice, California Communities Against Toxics, Healthy Homes Collaborative, New Jersey Citizen Action, New York City Coalition to End Lead Poisoning, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, the Sierra Club, and United Parents Against Lead.