Trump’s EPA Eviscerates the Clean Water Rule

Rollback threatens drinking water sources for millions of Americans


Erin Fitzgerald, Earthjustice, (415) 283-2323

Today, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency announced its repeal of the Clean Water Rule, which is part of a multi-rule rollback effort by the Trump administration that ignores science and law in an attempt to ease regulations for polluters. Repealing the Clean Water Rule without any valid scientific or legal support moves this country away from a commonsense safeguard that helps state and federal agencies protect our rivers, streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act.

These rollbacks will have serious impacts on communities across the country. Millions of Americans rely on the Clean Water Rule to protect their drinking water sources. Additionally, the 2015 Clean Water Rule protects streams and wetlands that help reduce flooding and filter pollution.

Since the Trump administration began going after the Clean Water Rule, four more states have recognized that a majority of Americans support clean water protections and dropped their opposition to the rule in the courts. It’s time for the Trump administration to drop its all-out assault on the Clean Water Act, which will only result in increased pollution, and hurt the small businesses, families, and communities that rely on streams and wetlands for clean water.

The following is a statement from Earthjustice president, Abigail Dillen:

“Fifty years after the Cuyahoga River fire that inspired the Clean Water Act, President Trump’s administration wants to turn back the clock to the days of poisoned flammable water. This is shameful and dangerous. No one is above the law, including the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers. Earthjustice will use the full strength of our nation’s bedrock environmental laws to protect communities and the environment. This administration’s industry-fueled giveaways to dirty special interests cannot be allowed to stand.” 

Read More: Protecting the Clean Water Rule from Trump’s EPA

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Millions of Americans rely on the Clean Water Rule to protect their drinking water sources. Additionally, the 2015 Clean Water Rule protects streams and wetlands that help reduce flooding and filter pollution.
Millions of Americans rely on the Clean Water Rule to protect their drinking water sources. (Ren Photo / Getty Images)

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