Earthjustice Applauds Radhika Fox’s Nomination for Administrator of the EPA Office of Water

Equitable access to clean drinking water and water quality protections are key to the health of communities across the country


Erin Fitzgerald,

Earlier this week, Radhika Fox was nominated to be the assistant administrator of the Office of Water at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA’s Office of Water handles implementation of the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and helps implement many water infrastructure funding streams and technical assistance programs. Before joining the EPA, Radhika Fox was CEO of the US Water Alliance, a national nonprofit that advocates for safe and sustainable water.

The following is a statement from Julian Gonzalez, legislative counsel for water policy at Earthjustice:

“During her time at the US Water Alliance, Acting Administrator Fox showed an openness to hearing the concerns of environmental justice organizers and communities regarding inequitable water infrastructure and lack of access to clean water in both homes and ecosystems — and will now have a chance to ensure that the EPA acts on those very concerns voiced by impacted communities.

“Earthjustice looks forward to working with EPA Office of Water to ensure that the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act are implemented and enforced in equitable fashion for all communities.”

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