U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Review Announces Endangered Species Act Downlisting for Golden-Cheeked Warbler
Decision comes despite mounting threats to the warbler from development and climate change
Perry Wheeler, Earthjustice, pwheeler@earthjustice.org, (202) 792-6211
Victoria Rose, Save Our Springs Alliance, victoria@sosalliance.org, (936) 788-3881
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today published a species status review for the golden-cheeked warbler, finding that the Texas bird no longer requires an “endangered” listing under the Endangered Species Act. The assessment proposes downlisting the warbler to “threatened,” which could reduce the protections the bird has in the state. The service’s decision comes despite mounting threats to the warbler’s habitat from both land development and climate change.
Austin-based Save Our Springs Alliance and Earthjustice expressed disappointment in the finding and urged the agency to reconsider its decision.
“We are dismayed at the service’s decision to downlist the warbler against a grim backdrop of threats from habitat destruction and climate change throughout the warbler’s range, but we are looking ahead to fighting for continued protections for Texas’ most iconic song bird,” said Victoria Rose, staff attorney at Save Our Springs Alliance.
“This decision is out of step with the best available science and may worsen conditions for the golden-cheeked warbler,” said Sharmeen Morrison, attorney with Earthjustice’s Biodiversity Defense Program. “The warbler lost almost a third of its habitat over a recent 10-year period, and the service’s decision could open the door to even more habitat loss due to development. We will continue to advocate for the warbler to receive the Endangered Species Act protections it needs to survive.”
Named for the striking yellow markings on its head, the warbler is the only bird to breed exclusively in the state of Texas. Its habitat overlaps with that of numerous other sensitive and imperiled species in the region. Like many biodiverse ecoregions across the U.S., the warbler’s central Texas habitat is under threat from sprawling development and climate change.

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