Mary Cochenour, Attorney, Northern Rockies Office: “There are videos of 399 walking through downtown Jackson in the middle of the night with her four cubs … She could have very easily been attracted to garbage and such, but the community always pulled together and worked really hard to remove those attractants in order to keep…
Earthjustice attorney Tom Delehanty joined KGNU’s Jackie Sedley to discuss the petition to halt wolf reintroduction in Colorado and what a delay of more wolves could mean for the state.
Grizzly bears are facing growing threats to their survival in the Northern Rockies. The government just took a step in the right direction by rejecting state appeals to remove their protections.
Working with four nonprofit environmental organizations — Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, RE Sources, Toxic-Free Future, and Waste Action Project — Earthjustice advocated for more stringent pollution controls for the wastewater treatment plant to help protect salmon, orcas, and people.
Pesticide overuse is driving declines in insect pollinator populations globally posing a threat to human food systems, terrestrial food webs, and global biodiversity.
The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community filed a motion to intervene as a defendant to support NOAA Fisheries’ Biological Opinion (“BiOp”) that found Skagit Dike District 12’s No Name Slough tidegate complex replacement would result in “jeopardy” to ESA-listed Chinook salmon and endangered Southern Resident killer whales unless estuary habitat mitigation measures were completed.