Clean Air Ambassador Hilton Kelley: How to Start a Campaign to Clean Up the Environment

Clean Air Ambassador Hilton Kelley: How to Start a Campaign to Clean Up the Environment

Port Arthur, Texas is home to a high density of oil refineries, chemical plants and hazardous waste facilities that have made the Gulf Coast city one of the most polluted in America. Asthma and cancer rates in the largely African-American neighborhood known as West Side—which sits at the fenceline of Port Arthur’s heavy industry—are among the highest in the state.

But thankfully, Port Arthur is also home to Hilton Kelley, a force-of-nature environmental justice advocate whose tireless efforts in his community have reduced the toxic burden that he and his neighbors bear. Kelley’s inspirational work earned him a 2011 Goldman Environmental Prize, which every year goes to six outstanding grassroots environmental heroes (one from every inhabited continent).

Hilton Kelley was a Clean Air Ambassador with the 50 States United for Healthy Air event of 2013.