Inside the Case: The Fight to Ban Chlorpyrifos

Inside the Case: The Fight to Ban Chlorpyrifos

On the eve of the Mar. 26 hearing in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Earthjustice attorney Patti Goldman explains Earthjustice’s lawsuit seeking a nationwide ban on chlorpyrifos. What is “chlorpyrifos”? The neurotoxic pesticide is widely used in U.S. agriculture, including on apples, oranges, strawberries, and corn. Scientific evidence has found that prenatal exposure at very low levels permanently harms the developing brains of babies.

Our clients on this case: League of United Latin American Citizens; Pesticide Action Network North America; Natural Resources Defense Council; California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation; Farmworkers Association of Florida; Farmworker Justice; Greenlatinos; Labor Council for Latin American Advancement; Learning Disabilities Association of America; National Hispanic Medical Association; Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste; United Farm Workers. Learn more about chlorpyrifos.