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The EES Coke Battery facility on Zug Island in River Rouge, Michigan. The plant is owned by DTE Vantage, a subsidiary of DTE Energy. The EES Coke facility releases thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide in the overburdened River Rouge community and near the state’s most polluted zip code, 48217. (Ted Auch / FracTracker Alliance)
Press Release September 4, 2024

Community Groups Challenge EPA’s Weak Coke Ovens Rule in Court

The agency’s final coke ovens rule does not reduce enough toxic air pollution to protect nearby communities

staff August 16, 2024

Angelica Diaz

Based in Washington, D.C., Angelica oversees the administrative and operational aspects of the D.C. regional program and the Toxic Exposure & Health program.

Flames consume a hillside as firefighters battle the Maria Fire in Santa Paula, Calif., on Nov. 1, 2019. (Noah Berger / AP Photo)
Press Release August 15, 2024

Public Interest Groups Defend SEC’s Climate Risk Disclosure Rule

The rule is a vital step forward to better protect investors and markets

document August 15, 2024

Amicus Brief: SEC Climate Risk Disclosure Rule

A coalition of public interest organizations filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit defending the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against challenges to its final rule requiring public companies to disclose climate-related risks to their businesses and plans to manage or mitigate them.

EPA has failed to protect children from pesticides when they drift from treated fields into nearby yards, homes, schools, parks and daycare centers. (Rob Marmion / Shutterstock)
Press Release July 18, 2024

EPA Reaffirms Continued Use of Pesticide Linked to Learning Disabilities

Decision ignores established science and puts children and farmworkers at risk

The Denka Performance Elastomer manufacturing plant in Reserve, Louisiana, on March 18, 2022. (Brad Zweerink / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 13, 2024

Environmental Advocates Join Court Case in Defense of EPA Action to Reduce Cancer-Causing Air Pollution

Denka, a synthetic rubber maker whose pollution has wreaked havoc on nearby communities’ health, is trying to block an EPA rule setting pollution limits

In the News: Philadelphia Inquirer May 29, 2024

Philadelphia’s Black communities would suffer most from weakened air pollution rules

An opinion piece by Marvin C. Brown IV, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office, Earthjustice

The EES Coke Battery facility on Zug Island in River Rouge, Michigan. The plant is owned by DTE Vantage, a subsidiary of DTE Energy. The EES Coke facility releases thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide in the overburdened River Rouge community and near the state’s most polluted zip code, 48217. (Ted Auch / FracTracker Alliance)
Press Release: Victory May 24, 2024

EPA Finalizes Overdue Air Standards for Cancer-Causing Coke Ovens Emissions

The new rule will require companies to be more transparent about emission releases, fenceline monitoring, and set new limits for dangerous, unregulated air toxics

In the News: WESA May 22, 2024

New EPA rules could force emissions limits, monitoring at Clairton Coke Works

Adrienne Lee, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “They are very harmful to human health in small quantities, and they don’t necessarily travel very far, but they have a big impact on communities living right near to a given facility.”

Press Release: Victory May 9, 2024

New EPA Rule Will Cut Highly Toxic Lead Pollution from Copper Smelters

The overdue standards will reduce lead and arsenic emissions released by copper smelters

The Cheswick coal-fired power plant in Pennsylvania, reflected in a window of a home in Springdale, is among the hundreds of power plants likely covered by the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature April 25, 2024

The Mercury & Air Toxics Standards

When companies burn coal in the U.S., significant amounts of mercury spew into our air. Now, that mercury is controlled, thanks to a federal rule that Earthjustice and our clients fought for, defended, and successfully expanded.

In the News: ProPublica April 16, 2024

EPA Finalizes New Standards for Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Adam Kron, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “This is an incredibly significant rule that will curtail some of the nation’s biggest drivers of cancer risk.”

A map of gas-fired turbines and LNG terminals in the United States. (Jane Williams / Sierra Club)
Press Release April 15, 2024

EPA Denies Industry Petition to Deregulate Air Toxics-Emitting Combustion Turbines

The EPA’s denial directly addresses environmental and health concerns regarding the impacts turbines’ emissions have on people

Press Release: Victory April 9, 2024

Nueva Norma de la EPA Reducirá Toneladas de Emisiones Químicas Que Causan Cáncer

Las actualizaciones reducirán más de 6 mil toneladas de la contaminación del aire más dañina del país, incluidos carcinógenos como el óxido de etileno y el cloropreno

John Beard, Robert Taylor, Sharon Lavigne and Harry Joseph, left to right, speak to fellow activists from "Cancer Alley" to call on President Biden to declare a state of emergency in St. James Parrish, La., during a protest outside the White House on Oct. 25, 2022. The procession of activists carried photographs of fellow community members who died because of the toxic impact of fossil fuels. (Kevin Wolf / AP Images for Fossil Free Media)
Press Release: Victory April 9, 2024

New EPA Rule Will Reduce Tons of Cancer-Causing Chemical Emissions from Plants

The updates will reduce more than 6,000 tons of the nation’s most harmful air pollution, including the carcinogens ethylene oxide and chloroprene

In the News: E&E News April 4, 2024

Proposed settlement prods EPA action on incinerator emissions

Deena Tumeh, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “Most commercial and industrial waste incinerators across the country operate subject to outdated and flawed toxic air pollution standards or none at all. Communities living near these incinerators have suffered the health consequences of exposure to many toxic air pollutants, including lead, which has no safe level of human…

In the News: Grist April 2, 2024

The EPA wanted to clean up steel mills. Then a group of Rust Belt senators got involved.

James Pew, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “The steel companies mounted a real disinformation campaign about the cost of the rule that I think put pressure on EPA to take out some provisions that would have been beneficial.”

People enjoy a sunny afternoon in a Los Angeles park with a view of the downtown skyline. (Chris Delmas / AFP via Getty Images)
Update March 29, 2024

We’re on Our Way to Court to Defend a New Standard That Protects Us from Deadly Air Pollution

After hearing from the public, including 32,000 Earthjustice supporters, the EPA delivered stronger air quality protections.