Drew Caputo, VP of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife, Oceans: “Every president this century has recognized that some areas of the ocean are just too risky or too sensitive to drill.”
Megan Hunter, Attorney, Fossil Fuels Program, Earthjustice: “Those constitutional protections are there for a reason. And seeing the General Assembly have blatant disregard for them again and again harms Ohioans. It deprives them of these constitutional rights.”
Earthjustice partners with organizations and communities around the world to establish, strengthen, and enforce legal protections for the environment and public health.
Each legal matter that Earthjustice takes on is a commitment to our clients and partners — a promise to fight alongside them for however long it takes.
Court finds that the NYS-PSC’s approval of the sale of the Digihost/Fortistar power plant did not comply with New York’s Climate Law; The PSC now required to analyze the transaction under the CLCPA