Pesticide overuse is driving declines in insect pollinator populations globally posing a threat to human food systems, terrestrial food webs, and global biodiversity.
Maryland Pesticide Education Network, in partnership with Earthjustice and a broad coalition of farmers, scientists, public health experts, businesses, and advocates, petitioned the Maryland Department of Agriculture to comply with state law by creating a comprehensive pesticide data program to increase pesticide use transparency.
Drew Caputo, VP of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife, Oceans: “Every president this century has recognized that some areas of the ocean are just too risky or too sensitive to drill.”
Megan Hunter, Attorney, Fossil Fuels Program, Earthjustice: “Those constitutional protections are there for a reason. And seeing the General Assembly have blatant disregard for them again and again harms Ohioans. It deprives them of these constitutional rights.”
Ian Coghill, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Office: “The Clean Air Act allows the most affected people to step in when the government either can’t or won’t enforce the laws sufficiently.”