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document November 12, 2014

Opening Brief: Air Pollution Waste Loophole challenge

Final opening brief for the case involving EPA incentivizing industrial waste burning with little or no safeguards.

document November 12, 2014

Intervenor Brief: Air Pollution Loophole Challenge

Groups sue to stop EPA from exempting numerous forms of industrial waste burning from strict air pollution standards.

document November 12, 2014

Reply Brief: Air Pollution Loophole Challenge

Groups sue to stop EPA from exempting numerous forms of industrial waste burning from strict air pollution standards.

Groups filed a brief in federal court to challenge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s creation of a loophole that allows industrial polluters such as cement plants, chemical plants, and paper mills to burn tires, demolition waste and wide variety of other industrial wastes without controlling, monitoring, or reporting the toxic pollution that results. (Rehan Qureshi / Shutterstock)
Press Release April 29, 2014

EPA Faces Court Challenge Over Solid Waste Loophole

Groups say loophole allows for burning of toxin-filled substances with little regulation

Tires contain noxious substances, like sulfur, lead and chlorine-containing compounds that can form dioxins when burned.
(Budimir Jevtic / Shutterstock)
case June 16, 2011

Closing A Toxic Industrial Waste Loophole

Power plants, chemical factories, oil refineries and similar dirty industries generate huge amounts of dangerous garbage: used chemical solvents, waste oil and a wide variety of other industrial sludge. It costs money to legally dispose of such nasty substances—dirty industries have it, but they don’t want to spend it. As an alternative to legal disposal,…

Press Release June 16, 2011

Air Pollution Loophole Puts Communities in Danger from Unregulated Waste Burning

Groups sue U.S. EPA to close loophole, protect public health and the environment

Article June 16, 2011

Pushing Pyromania

Not all burning is bad. For example, campfires rule—when they are done sensitively. I don’t mean with tenderness, but rather with attention paid to the ecosystem and the importance of the fallen wood within it. Those fires bring light, heat and comfort to our small corners of the wild. But in other corners of the…