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The Kuskokwim River provides a critical source of wild food and serves as a bedrock of identity and cultural values for Alaska Native Tribal citizens and community members living downstream from the Donlin mine site.
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

Six Tribes in Southwest Alaska Win Legal Challenge Against the Donlin Gold Mine

The federal court ruling in Alaska declares that a key federal permit authorizing the construction and operation of the world’s largest pure gold mine violates environmental and subsistence protection laws

Trains pass through the heart of downtown Barstow, California. (Matt Gush / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

California and Environmental Groups Successfully Defend Zero-Emissions Rail Rule in Latest Court Ruling

Environmental justice groups joined California Attorney General to defeat legal challenge from rail industry

Press Release September 30, 2024

Conservation and agriculture groups challenge Montana’s approval of Bull Mountain coal mine expansion

Legal complaint cites the State’s failures to consider harms to water, agriculture, wildlife, safety

Press Release September 27, 2024

Suncor East Plant Draft Air Permit Comment Period Begins

Environmental and community groups to review to ensure strongest possible protections from air pollution

Senior Attorney, Dror Ladin speaks to press after the Congestion Pricing motion to dismiss hearing on September 27, 2024.
Press Release September 27, 2024

Corte Suprema de Nueva York Rechaza Moción de Desestimación Presentada por la Gobernadora Hochul en Demanda por Bloqueo de la Tarifa de Congestión

El caso avanza y los demandados tienen hasta el 15 de octubre para responder a las reclamaciones

Senior Attorney, Dror Ladin speaks to press after the Congestion Pricing motion to dismiss hearing on September 27, 2024.
Press Release September 27, 2024

New York Supreme Court Denies Motion to Dismiss by Gov. Hochul on the Congestion Pricing Block Lawsuit

The case advances and the defendants have until October 15 to respond to the claims; the Congestion Pricing Program signed into law in 2019 to fund public transportation improvements, improve air quality, reduce traffic, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Press Release September 27, 2024

Advocates File Complaint Against PJM for Flaws that Inflated Auction Results, Costing Customers Billions

Mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM’s capacity market auctions make customers pay twice for fossil fuel power

A father cooks with his family on an induction stove. The building electrification movement has been gaining steam as a major climate and clean air solution (Halfpoint Images / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory September 26, 2024

Governor Newsom Signs Goundbreaking Bill to Pilot Neighborhood-Scale Electrification Upgrades

SB 1221, authored by Senator Dave Min, will enable 30 community electrification pilot projects in California as cost-effective alternatives to gas pipeline replacements

Earthjustice Senior Attorney Kate Glover, Earthjustice Senior Attorney Maile Tavepholjalern, Association of Village Council Presidents General Counsel Coralette Waite and Earthjustice Senior Attorney Charisse Arce following an oral argument in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, Alaska.
Press Release September 26, 2024

Two Alaska Tribal Organizations Seek an Overhaul of Pollock Trawling Management in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

The federal lawsuit challenges fisheries management that fails to address climate change and unlawfully permits pollock trawlers to catch thousands of salmon as bycatch annually

Freight trucks line up outside of a warehouse on Cyber Monday in San Bernardino. (Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice)
Press Release: Victory September 24, 2024

Judge Orders San Bernardino County To Redo Environmental Review of Bloomington Business Park

Warehouse project bringing 1,300 diesel truck trips per day in “diesel death zone” must undergo further scrutiny before development begins

An old-growth Douglas fir stands in the fog in the Siuslaw National Forest in western Oregon. (David Herasimtschuk)
Press Release September 24, 2024

Earthjustice Slams House Vote on Fix Our Forests Act

“True forest management requires engaging communities and utilizing proven best practices, not opening our lands to more reckless logging operations.”

Press Release September 20, 2024

One Million Public Comments Support Old-Growth Protections on National Forests

Comments also support protections for mature trees

Press Release September 20, 2024

Rethink Route 17 Alternatives: Highway Expansions Induce Demand

STATEMENT: Catskill Mountainkeeper urges state and federal officials to omit Route 17 project alternatives that expand peak capacity and are misaligned with community needs and solutions

Press Release September 20, 2024

Supreme Court Should Deny Shadow Docket Requests to Block Methane Pollution Limits

Health, environmental, community groups urge court not to stay vital climate, health protections

Press Release September 18, 2024

Lawsuit Challenges California Dirty Hydrogen Project

Port of Stockton Plant would pollute air, climate in community burdened by high pollution

Press Release September 18, 2024

Community Groups Demand Landfill Options Outside of West Kauaʻi

Proposed new county landfill poses environmental hazards and injustice for west side residents

Press Release September 18, 2024

More Than 80 Conservation Groups Call on Members of Congress To Oppose New House Bill Targeting Endangered Species Act

Proposed bill would eliminate key aspects of ESA that have been in place for 50 years

A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Es Demandada por Engañoso Mensaje de Productos ‘Climáticamente Inteligentes’

Un grupo ambientalista acusa a la compañía de aprovecharse del interés de los consumidores en comprar alimentos favorables al clima, ya que afirma falsamente que alcanzará medidas ‘cero neto’ para 2050 con la comercialización de sus productos de carne industrial como ‘climáticamente inteligentes’