Project 2025 Means More Mining and Drilling on Public Lands. We’ll Fight Back.

We are prepared to defend the environment and communities no matter who holds political office.

Five drilling towers in a grassy plain with water in the foreground.
Fossil fuel drilling sites in Alaska's Western Arctic, in an around the Lake Teshekpuk area. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)

The Project 2025 policy playbook written by former government officials and Heritage Foundation staff would strip away our rights to clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet. It would trade these basic freedoms to help polluters profit.

Though the scope of planning written down in Project 2025 is new, many of the ideas it presents are not. At Earthjustice, we’ve seen presidential administrations push similar agendas before — and through the courts we have pushed back.

What Project 2025 says about mining and drilling:

  • Prioritize oil and gas: Project 2025 tells the agencies that manage federal lands and waters to maximize corporate oil and gas extraction. It calls for approving more pipelines like Keystone XL and Dakota Access.
  • Willow? Make it bigger: The agenda explicitly aims to expand the Willow Project, which is already the largest proposed oil and gas undertaking on U.S. public lands.
  • Target iconic landscapes: The project also calls for drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and mining in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters wilderness, among other irreplaceable natural treasures.

How Earthjustice will respond:

What you can do with us today: Advocate to protect our federal lands from fossil fuels.