In the path of the storm are giant pits filled with coal ash, lagoons swirling with hog manure, Superfund sites and industrial facilities stocked with toxic chemicals.
The coal industry dumped its toxic waste in the cheapest way possible. Now coal ash pits are leaking and spilling amid flooding from Hurricane Florence.
Earthjustice successfully blocked much damage, and we’ve seen progress toward repair under the Biden administration. But we will never recover some of what was lost.
Coal ash is leaching unsafe levels of toxic pollutants into groundwater at 91% of coal plants. Pennsylvania is one of the nation’s top coal ash-generating states, with more than 67 coal ash dumpsites.
Alongside our partners, Earthjustice is working to reform the food and farming system, driving the transition from current industrial practices, which churn out unhealthy food and substantial quantities of pollution, to a new model that prioritizes the sustainable production of nutritious food.
National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, and Earthjustice call for improvements on Colorado’s regional haze plan to better protect air quality and public health