Our Clients
Every one of our clients gets top-tier legal representation, free of charge.
Since our founding more than fifty years ago, Earthjustice has represented more than a thousand public-interest clients. We stand alongside our clients at the frontlines of the fight for justice and a healthy environment for all. Earthjustice’s casework changes lives. Meet a few of our clients:
Chickaloon Native Village
In Alaska, Earthjustice’s lawyers are representing the Chickaloon Native Village in their fight to stop a coal mine that threatens their way of life.
Sacred Tribal Land is No Place for a Coal Mine. For years, the Tribe has fought to prevent the reopening of a coal mine that once nearly destroyed Tsidek’etna’, where the Tribe has gathered for generations to harvest salmon. The mine is sited across from Ya Ne Dah Ah School, one of the only schools in the state that is owned and operated by a federally-recognized Tribal government. Read about this case.
“In order to heal our families from the destruction, we are living our way of life.”
— Lisa Wade, Member of the Chickaloon Village Traditional Council

Sierra Club
Since Earthjustice was founded in 1971, the Sierra Club has been a partner in the fight for our planet’s future.
Rule of Law Prevails. Two months after taking office, President Donald Trump directed the Department of the Interior to overturn a moratorium that prevented private companies from extracting coal from public lands. Earthjustice filed a lawsuit within days, on behalf of Sierra Club and a coalition of clients, challenging the Interior Dept.'s action, which lacked science- or fact-based rationale. After two years of legal filings, a federal court ruled the administration had violated the law. Read about this case.
“The Trump administration’s decision wasn’t putting Americans first — it was putting corporate polluters first.”
— Bill Corcoran of Beyond Coal, Sierra Club

RISE St. James
The community organization is taking a stand against the petrochemical plants that have devastated their air and water. Earthjustice represents RISE St. James as they fight a massive $9.4 billion petrochemical complex.
Standing Up In “Cancer Alley.” Five generations of the Lavigne family have lived in St. James Parish. Industrial plants have caused so much pollution that the area became known as part of “Cancer Alley.” RISE St. James is working to change that. Read about this case.
“We’re not going to dwell on what we can’t do — we’re going to dwell on what we can do.”
— Sharon Lavigne, Founder and Director of RISE St. James

American Lung Association
From smog to sulfur dioxide, we've represented the American Lung Association in legal efforts to eliminate dangerous pollutants and improve air quality.
Our Right to Breathe. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must now meet its obligation under the law and tell the public where smog levels exceed safety standards, following litigation brought by Earthjustice on behalf of the American Lung Association and a coalition of clients. The action will save hundreds of lives and prevent hundreds of thousands of asthma attacks in children every year. Read about this case.
“Americans know smog harms their health and want EPA to clean it up.”
— Harold P. Wimmer, National President and CEO of the American Lung Association

The Humane Society of the United States
We have partnered with the Humane Society on legal efforts to defend our world’s irreplaceable species.
Judges Agree: They Otter Be Free. California sea otters — once thought to be extinct — are now swimming free and towards a full recovery. On behalf of the Humane Society and other clients, we defended the end of the ill-advised “No Otter Zone,” which excluded otters from parts of their coastal habitat. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which allowed the decision to stand by declining to review the appeal. Read about this case.
“This court decision is a win for sea otters and endangered species everywhere.”
— Anna Frostic, Managing Attorney for Wildlife and Animal Research, The Humane Society of the United States

Our lawyers measure success in clean air, clean water, and protected wild spaces.
Every one of our clients gets top-tier legal representation, free of charge. And we win.
Which is why your support is so crucial.
We can’t keep fighting for our planet without your help.
Together, fighting for our environment.
As the legal backbone of the environmental movement, we work alongside communities across the country to fight for clean air, clean water, and protections for wilderness and wildlife — one case at a time.
In addition to the hundreds of present and past clients listed here, there are scores of others with whom we partner, co-counsel, and ally.
- A Community Voice
- Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve
- Air Alliance Houston
- Akiak Native Community
- Alaska Center for the Environment
- Alaska Community Action on Toxics
- Alaska Conservation Foundation
- Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association
- Alaska Marine Conservation Council
- Alaska Public Interest Research Group
- Alaska Rainforest Campaign
- Alaska Rainforest Defenders
- Alaska Survival
- Alaska Wilderness League
- Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Association
- Alaska Wildife Alliance
- Alaskans for Responsible Mining
- Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
- Alliance for the Wild Rockies
- Alpine County
- Alpine Lakes Protection Society
- Amazon Alliance
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Beekeeping Federation
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Buffalo Foundation
- American Canoe Association
- American Fisheries Society
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Honey Producers Association
- American Lands Alliance
- American Littoral Society
- American Lung Association
- American Lung Association of Idaho/Nevada
- American Lung Association of Virginia
- American Nurses Association
- American Oceans Campaign
- American Public Health Association
- American Rivers
- American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- American Wildlands
- Amigos Bravos
- Amigos del Río Guaynabo, Inc.
- Amy McMillan
- Anacostia Riverkeeper
- Anacostia Watershed Society
- Animal Protection of New Mexico
- Animal Rights Hawaii
- Animal Welfare Institute
- Apalachicola Riverkeeper
- Appalachian Citizens' Law Center
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Appalachian Voices
- ARC Ecology
- Arctic Athabaskan Council
- Arctic Audubon Society
- Arizona Wilderness Coalition
- Arkansas Wildlife Federation
- Ashurst Bar / Smith Community Organization
- Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange
- Asian Pacific Environmental Network
- Association of Irritated Residents
- Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions
- Association of Superior Councils of the U'wa People
- Association of Village Council Presidents
- Atchafalaya Basinkeeper
- Atlantic Salmon Federation
- Atlantic States Legal Foundation
- Audubon Alaska
- Audubon of Florida
- Audubon Society of Portland
- Audubon Society of Southwest Florida
- Audubon Society of the Everglades
- Audubon Society of the Klamath Basin
- B.C. Aboriginal Fisheries Commission
- Back Country Horsemen of Montana
- Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
- Bark
- Basel Action Network
- Bay Institute
- Bay Mills Indian Community
- Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates
- Bear Creek Council
- Beartooth Alliance
- Ben & Jerry's
- Beyond Pesticides
- Biodiversity Conservation Alliance
- Black Hills Audubon Society
- Blackfeet Headwaters Alliance
- Blue Ocean Institute
- Blue Planet Foundation
- Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
- Blue Water Baltimore / Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper
- BlueGreen Alliance
- Bluewater Network
- Border Power Plant Working Group
- Born Free USA
- Boulder-White Clouds Council
- Brandywine TB Coalition
- Breast Cancer Fund
- Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
- British Columbia Wildlife Federation
- Buckeye Environmental Network
- Buckeye Forest Council
- Buena Vista Audubon Society
- Buffalo River Watershed Alliance
- Butte Environmental Council
- Butterbee Farm
- Cabinet Resource Group
- California Association of Professional Scientists
- California Communities Against Toxics
- California Native Plant Society
- California Professional Firefighters
- California Public Health Association - North
- California Public Interest Research Group: CalPIRG
- California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
- California Striped Bass Association
- California Trout
- California Wilderness Coalition
- Californians for Pesticide Reform
- CAlifornians for Renewable Energy
- Campaign to Defend Local Solutions
- Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Cancer Prevention Coalition
- Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen's Association
- Caples Lake Resort
- Carl Safina
- Carmel River Steelhead Association
- Cascabel Conservation Association
- Cascadia Wildlands Project
- CATA — The Farmworkers Support Committee
- Catskill Mountainkeeper
- Center for Auto Safety
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Center for Effective Government
- Center for Environmental Health
- Center for Environmental Law and Policy
- Center for Environmental Transformation
- Center for Food Safety
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Center for Marine Conservation
- Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health
- Center for Science in Public Interest
- Center for Science in Public Participation
- Center for Sierra Nevada Conservation
- Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment
- Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center
- Chefornak Traditional Council
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- Chesapeake Climate Action Network
- Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living
- Chevak Traditional Council
- Chickaloon Village Traditional Council
- Chinese Progressive Association
- Chuitna Citizens Coalition
- Chuloonawick Native Village
- Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana
- Citizens Advocate United Together to Inform Organized New Direction (C.A.U.T.I.O.N.)
- Citizens Against Noise
- Citizens Campaign for the Environment
- Citizens Coal Council
- Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge
- Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping
- Citizens for Clean Air
- Citizens For Clean Energy
- Citizens for Clean Water
- Citizens for Healthy Community
- Citizens' Environmental Coalition
- City of Bellingham, WA
- Clark-Skamania Fly Fishers
- Clean Air Council
- Clean Air Task Force
- Clean Water Action
- Clean Water Network
- Climate Solutions
- Coal River Mountain Watch
- Coalition for a Safe Environment
- Coalition for Amazon Peoples and Their Environment
- Coalition for Clean Air
- Coalition for Responsible Growth and Resource Conservation
- Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
- Coast Range Association
- Coastal Carolina Riverwatch
- Colorado Environmental Coalition
- Colorado Mountain Club
- Colorado Wild
- Colorado Wildlife Federation
- Columbia Riverkeeper
- Comité Basura Cero Arecibo
- Common Cause Hawaii
- Communities for a Better Environment
- Community In-Power & Development
- Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
- Concerned Ohio River Residents
- Congressman Mike Thompson
- Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice
- Conservation Colorado Education Fund
- Conservation Council for Hawaii
- Conservation Law Foundation
- Conservation Northwest
- Consumer Federation of America
- Consumers Union
- Cook Inletkeeper
- CORALations
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Cornucopia Institute
- Corporate Ethics International
- Crowley Museum and Nature Center
- Cultivate KC
- Dakota Resources Council
- Dakota Rural Action
- Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
- David R. Parsons
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Del Amo Action Committee
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network
- Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
- Delta Fly Fishers
- Deltakeeper Chapter of Baykeeper
- Denton Drilling Awareness Group
- Desert Protective Council
- Diné Care
- Downwinders at Risk
- Dr. Philip J. Landrigan
- Dubois Wildlife Association
- Earth Charter Indiana
- Earth Island Institute
- EarthRights International
- Earthtrust
- Earthworks
- East of Huajatolla Citizens Alliance
- East Silver Lake Improvement Association
- Ecojuris
- Ecology Action Centre
- Ecology Center
- Endangered Habitats League
- Endangered Wolf Center
- Environment America
- Environment and Human Health, Inc.
- Environment California
- Environment Florida
- Environment Hawai`i
- Environment New Jersey
- Environment Now
- Environmental Advocates of New York
- Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John
- Environmental Council of Sacramento
- Environmental Defense Center
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Integrity Project
- Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform
- Environmental Protection Information Center
- Environmental Transformation Movement of Flint
- Environmental Working Group
- Envision Mat-Su
- Evergreen Islands
- Faith in Place
- Farmworker Association of Florida
- Farmworker Justice Fund
- Farmworker Legal Services of New York
- Federation of Fly Fishers
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Fiscalfa del Medio Ambiente (FIMA)
- Flathead Coalition
- Flint Rising
- Florida Public Interest Research Group
- Florida Wildlife Federation
- Food & Water Watch
- For the Fishes
- Forest Conservation Council
- Forest Issues Group
- Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
- ForestEthics
- Forests Forever Foundation
- Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights (POWER)
- Four Corners Action Coalition
- French Broad Riverkeeper
- Fresh Energy
- FreshWater Accountability Project
- Friends of Animals
- Friends of Butte Creek
- Friends of Grays Harbor
- Friends of Hope Valley
- Friends of Hudson
- Friends of Living Oregon Waters
- Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
- Friends of Nevada Wilderness
- Friends of Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
- Friends of the Bitterroot
- Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
- Friends of the Clearwater
- Friends of the Columbia Gorge
- Friends of the Earth
- Friends of the Earth - Netherlands
- Friends of the Eel River
- Friends of the Garcia River
- Friends of the Inyo
- Friends of the Missouri Breaks National Monument
- Friends of the River
- Friends of the San Juans
- Friends of the Santa Clara River
- Friends of the Sea Otter
- Friends of the Swainson's Hawk
- Friends of the Ventura River
- Friends of the Wild Swan
- Fruit Valley Neighborhood Association
- Gallatin Wildlife Association
- Gas Free Seneca
- George Wuerthner
- Gerry Ross
- Gifford Pinchot Task Force
- Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance
- GMO Free Hawai'I
- Golden Gate Audubon Society
- Golden Gate Fishermen's Association
- Golden Gate Salmon Association
- Grand Canyon Trust
- Grand Canyon Wildlands Council
- Grays Harbor Audubon
- Great Basin Resource Watch
- Great Bear Foundation
- Great Old Broads for Wilderness
- Greater Greener Gloster
- Greater Yellowstone Coalition
- Green Science Policy Institute
- Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice
- Greenbelt Alliance
- GreenLatinos
- Greenpeace Canada
- Greenpeace Foundation
- Greenpeace México
- Greenpeace USA
- Gunpowder Riverkeeper
- Havasupai Tribe
- Hawai`i Green Party
- Hawai`i's Thousand Friends
- Hawaiʻi Wildlife Fund
- Hawaii Audubon Society
- Hawaii Solar Energy Association
- Hawaiian Botanical Society
- Headwaters
- Heal the Bay
- HEAL: Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah
- Healthy Dubois County, Inc.
- Healthy Gulf
- Healthy Homes Collaborative
- Hells Canyon Preservation Council
- Helping Our Peninsula's Environment (HOPE)
- Hendrix Farm
- High Country Citizens' Alliance
- High Mowing Organic Seeds
- Honor the Earth
- Hoonah Indian Association
- Hoosier Environmental Council
- Hoosier Interfaith Power and Light
- Horned Lizard Conservation Society
- Humane Society International
- Humane Society of the United States
- Idaho Conservation League
- Idaho Council of Trout Unlimited
- Idaho Rivers United
- Idaho Steelhead and Salmon Unlimited
- Idaho Trout Unlimited
- Idaho Watersheds Project
- Idaho Wildlife Federation
- Ilio'ulaokalani Coalition
- Indian People’s Action
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Institute for Fisheries Resources
- Institute for Trade and Agricultural Policy
- Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative
- Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)
- International Association of Fire Fighters
- International Center for Technology Assesment
- International Forum on Globalization
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- International Wildlife Coalition
- InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council
- Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS)
- Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance
- Jeff Anderson
- John Muir Project
- Jumping Frog Research Institute
- Juneau Audubon Society
- Kasigluk Traditional Council
- Keep the Sespe Wild Committee
- Kennebec Reborn
- Kentucky Resources Council
- Ketchikan Indian Community
- Kettle Range Conservation Group
- Keystone Conservation
- Kit Carson Lodge
- Klamath Forest Alliance
- Klamath Riverkeeper
- Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
- Kohanaiki 'Ohana
- Kona Hawaiian Civic Club
- Kongiganak Traditional Council
- La Habra Heights Oil Watch
- La Jolla Friends of the Seals
- Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
- Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
- Lake Pend Oreille Club
- Lands Council
- Latino Issues Forum
- League of Conservation Voters
- League of United Latin American Citizens
- League to Save Lake Tahoe
- Learning Disabilities Association of America
- Living Rivers / Colorado Riverkeeper
- Los Padres ForestWatch
- Louisiana Bucket Brigade
- Louisiana Crawfish Producers Association (West)
- Louisiana Environmental Action Network
- Louisiana Shrimp Association
- Lower San Pedro Watershed Alliance
- Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper
- Lummi Nation
- Lynn Canal Conservation
- Mac Thornton
- Maine Audubon Society
- Maine Lobstermen's Association
- Maricopa Audubon Society
- Mary Adele Donnelly
- Mattawoman Watershed Society
- Maui Tomorrow
- Maurice & Jane Sugar Law Center for Economic and Social Justice
- Mendocino Environmental Center
- Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin
- Miami Waterkeeper
- Michigan United
- Mid-Hudson Catskill Rural and Migrant Ministry
- Midwest Renewable Energy Association
- Migrant Clinicians Network
- Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
- Mississippi Wildlife Federation
- Moapa Band of Paiutes
- Moloka`i Chamber of Commerce
- Molokaʻi Mahiʻai
- Montana Audubon
- Montana Council of Trout Unlimited
- Montana Environmental Information Center
- Montana River Action
- Montana Wilderness Association
- Montanans Against Toxic Burning
- Monterey Peninsula Audubon Society
- Mossville Environmental Action Now
- Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center
- Mountain Lion Federation
- Mountain Watershed Association
- Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
- Na Kiaʻi Kai
- National Audubon Society
- National Campaign Against the Misuse of Pesticides
- National Coalition for Marine Conservation
- National Environmental Trust
- National Family Farm Coalition
- National Hispanic Medical Association
- National Honey Bee Advisory Board
- National Parks Conservation Association
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- National Wildlife Federation
- National Wildlife Refuge Association
- Native Fish Society
- Native Forest Network
- Native Village of Eek
- Native Village of Kwigillingok
- Native Village of Nightmute
- Native Village of Tununak
- Natural Resources Council of Maine
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Neighbors for a Safe Dragon
- Neighbors for Clean Air
- New Jersey Citizen Action
- New Jersey Environmental Federation
- New Jersey Highlands Coalition
- New Jersey Work Environment Council
- New Mexico Wilderness Alliance
- New Mexico Wildlife Federation
- New York City Audubon
- New York City Coalition to End Lead Poisoning
- New York Public Interest Research Group
- New York–New Jersey Trail Conference
- Newburgh Clean Water Project
- North Carolina Environmental Justice Network
- North Carolina Wildlife Federation
- North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association
- Northcoast Environmental Center
- Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance
- Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York
- Northern Alaska Environmental Center
- Northern California Council Federation of Fly Fishers
- Northern Plains Resource Council
- Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
- Northwest Energy Coalition
- Northwest Environmental Advocates
- Northwest Environmental Defense Center
- Northwest Sport Fishing Industry Association
- NW Energy Coalition
- O`ahu Rainforest Action Group
- Ocean Conservancy
- Ocean Mammal Institute
- Oceana
- Ohio Environmental Council
- Ohio Public Interest Research Group
- Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
- Oil and Gas Accountability Project
- Okanogan Highlands Alliance
- Olympic Park Associates
- One Acre Farm
- One Thousand Friends of Florida
- Orange County CoastKeeper
- Orca Conservancy
- Oregon Council Federation of Fly Fishers
- Oregon Natural Desert Association
- Oregon Wild
- Oregon Wildlife Federation
- Organic Seed Alliance
- Organized Village of Kake
- Organized Village of Kasaan
- Organized Village of Kwethluk
- Organized Village of Saxman
- Orleans Audubon Society
- Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council
- Ouachita Watch League
- Our Children's Earth
- Ozark Society
- Pace Energy and Climate Center
- Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
- Pacific Environment
- Pacific Rivers Council
- Palm Beach County Airboat and Halftrack Conservation Club
- Pamlico-Tar River Foundation
- Park County Environmental Council
- Partnership for Policy Integrity
- Pat Munday
- Pat Munoz
- Patuxent Riverkeeper
- Pegasus Foundation
- Pele Defense Fund
- PennEnvironment
- PennFuture
- Penobscot Indian Nation
- People for Puget Sound
- Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA)
- Pesticide Action Network
- Pesticide Watch Education Fund
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Pilchuck Audubon Society
- Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste
- Plains Justice
- Planning and Conservation League
- Plasse's Resort
- Plumas Forest Project
- Po`ai Wai Ola
- Pollinator Stewardship Council
- Portland Audubon Society
- Potomac Riverkeeper
- Powder River Basin Resource Council
- Prairie Rivers Network
- Preserve Area Ridgelands Committee
- Preserve Wild Santee
- Progress Florida
- Public Citizen
- Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
- Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
- Rainforest Action Network
- Ralph Maughan
- Raptors Are The Solution
- Ratepayers and Community Intervenors
- RE Sources for Sustainable Communities
- Recreational Fishing Alliance
- Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
- Red Fire Farm
- Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
- Red Rock Forests
- Redwood Empire Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Reefguardian International
- Republicans for Environmental Protection - America (New Mexico Chapter)
- Resisting Environmental Destruction on Indigenous Lands (REDOIL)
- ReThink Energy Florida
- Riders Alliance
- RISE St. James
- Rock Creek Alliance
- Rock the Earth
- Rocky Mountain Clean Air Action
- Rocky Mountain Wild
- Rosemere Neighborhood Association
- Rural & Migrant Ministry, Inc.
- Rural Coalition
- Rural Empowerment Association for Community Help
- Sacramento River Preservation Trust
- Safe Air For Everyone
- Salmon For All
- San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society
- San Bruno Mountain Watch
- San Diego Audubon Society
- San Diego Coastkeeper
- San Diego Herpetological Society
- San Francisco BayKeeper
- San Joaquin Audubon Society
- San Juan Citizens Alliance
- San Miguel County, CO
- Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society
- Santa Barbara ChannelKeeper
- Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council
- Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society
- Santa Monica BayKeeper
- Save Our Cabinets
- Save Our Creeks
- Save Our Forests And Ranchlands
- Save Our Suwannee
- Save the Bay
- Save the Manatee Club
- Sea Experience
- Sea Mar Community Health Centers
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Turtle Island
- Seattle Audubon Society
- Sequoia ForestKeeper
- Sierra Club
- Sierra Club de Puerto Rico
- Sierra Club Hawai'i Chapter
- Sierra Club of Canada
- Sierra Club of Hawai'i: Maui Group
- Sierra Club, Atlantic Chapter
- Sierra Club, Delta Chapter
- Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter
- Sierra Club, Mississippi Chapter
- Sierra Foothills Audubon Society
- Sierra Forest Legacy
- Sightline Institute
- Silvertip Landowners
- Sinapu
- Siskiyou Audubon Society
- Siskiyou Regional Education Project
- Siskiyou Sustainable Cooperative
- Sitka Conservation Society
- Sleetmute Traditional Council
- Sokaogon Chippewa Community
- Solar United Neighbors
- South Tacoma Neighborhood Council
- Southeast Alaska Conservation Council
- Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC)
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
- Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project
- Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
- Southwest Environmental Center
- Southwest Trekking
- Spokane Riverkeeper
- Squamish Nation
- St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
- St. Francis Prayer Center
- St. Johns Riverkeeper
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- Stanislaus Audubon Society
- Steelhead Society
- Stewards of the Lower Susquehanna
- Stop the Lines
- Suquamish Tribe
- Surfrider Foundation
- Swan View Coalition
- Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
- T & E
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
- Tennessee Clean Water Network
- Tennessee Environmental Council
- Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association
- Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services
- The Bay Institute of San Francisco
- The Boat Company
- The Conservancy of Southwest Florida
- The Ecology Center
- The Lands Council
- The Mazamas
- The Mercury Policy Project
- The Mothers on a Mission (MOM) Hui
- The Mountaineers
- The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
- The New Jersey Highlands Coalition
- The North Umpqua Foundation
- The Ocean Conservancy
- The Steamboaters
- The Wilderness Society
- The Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads
- Theodore Gordon Flyfishers
- Thomas R. Smith
- Tonawanda Seneca Nation
- Tongass Conservation Society
- Town of Dryden
- Transboundary Watershed Alliance
- Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund
- Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (Tri-Valley CAREs)
- Trout Unlimited
- Trout Unlimited of California
- Trustees for Alaska
- Tsleil-Waututh Nation
- Tucson Audubon Society
- Tulalip Tribes
- Tule River Conservancy
- Tuluksak Native Community
- Tuluksak Tribal Council
- Turtle Island Restoration Network
- Twin Harbors Waterkeeper
- Two Boots Farm
- U.S. Public Interest Research Group
- Umpqua Watersheds
- UnCruise
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- United Anglers of California
- United Farm Workers of America (UFW)
- United Parents Against Lead
- United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters Association
- Urban Habitat Program
- Utah Native Plant Society
- Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment
- Utah Rivers Council
- Valley Organic Growers Association
- Valley Watch
- Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
- Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Voices of the Wetlands
- Vote Solar
- Voyageurs National Park Association
- Washington Environmental Center
- Washington Environmental Council
- Washington Native Plant Society
- Washington PEER
- Washington Toxics Coalition
- Washington Trout
- Washington Wildlife Federation
- Waterkeeper Alliance
- Waterkeepers Chesapeake
- WaterKeepers Northern California
- Waterkeepers Washington
- WaterWatch of Oregon
- WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- West County Toxics Coalition
- West Maui Preservation Association
- West Virginia Citizen Action Group
- West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
- West Virginia Rivers Coalition
- Western Canada Wilderness Committee
- Western Colorado Alliance
- Western Land Exchange Project
- Western Organization of Resource Councils
- Western Resource Advocates
- Western Watersheds Project
- White Earth Band of Ojibwe
- Wild Alabama
- Wild Orca
- Wild South
- WildEarth Guardians
- Wilderness Watch
- Wilderness Workshop
- Wildlands CPR
- Wildlands Network
- Wildsight
- Winnemem Wintu Tribe
- Winter Wildlands Alliance
- Wolf Conservation Center
- Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
- Women's Voices for the Earth
- Worksafe
- World Wildlife Fund
- Wyoming Outdoor Council
- Wyoming Wilderness Association
- Wyoming Wildlife Federation