Cyndhia Ramatchandirane

Staff Scientist Fossil Fuels Program


Media Inquiries

Dustin Renaud
Public Affairs and Communications Strategist

Cyndhia Ramatchandirane joined Earthjustice in 2020 and is based in New Orleans, Louisiana. As Staff Scientist on the Fossil Fuels team, Cyndhia supports litigation efforts to protect the frontline communities impacted by the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry along the Louisiana/Texas Gulf coast and in the Ohio River Valley. Cyndhia investigates the potential pollution impacts on climate, the environment, and public health from proposed fossil fuel infrastructure projects. She also collaborates with other scientists and local environmental and community groups to address climate and environmental justice issues that these projects would aggravate.

Prior to Earthjustice, Cyndhia worked for over six years as a Research Scientist on the Applied Geosciences team at The Water Institute of the Gulf, an independent research nonprofit based in Louisiana. There, she conducted several field data collection campaigns across coastal Louisiana to inform the state’s coastal restoration efforts. Cyndhia obtained her M.S. degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Tulane University, and received her B.A. degree in Geosciences from Wellesley College.

The Latest from Cyndhia Ramatchandirane

April 12, 2021

In the News: Wired

Pandemic Lockdowns Did Cut Air Pollution — but With a Catch

“The pandemic slowed some things down, but business as usual is still kind of happening. Facilities are still operating. Many communities, especially communities of color and low-income communities, continued to be impacted by emissions from fossil fuels and petrochemical facilities.”
February 10, 2021

In the News: Antenna

Subsidence and Evictions: The Land Beneath Us

An interview