Obama Opens Door to More Dirty Drilling in Atlantic

A humpback whale with newborn calf.

On July 18, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management gave its stamp of approval to a framework for oil and gas exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, on an area of land stretching from Florida to the Delaware Bay.

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Pesticides: Stories from the Frontlines, Part 2

A bag made by the child of a farmworker. The bag, embroidered with the words "Don't kill my family please," is adorned with skulls. It was presented to Sen. Charles Shumer's office by farmworkers and advocates, who had traveled to Washington, D.C. in July

In this second installment of a weekly series, farmworkers share stories from the frontlines, illustrating why we need an even stronger standard than EPA proposes.

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Port of LA Misses Zero Emissions Boat

A zero emissions truck at the Port of Long Beach, California.

The Port of Long Beach, California, has shown that the freight industry can reduce its toxic air emissions. It’s time for other ports to do the same.

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Pesticides: Stories from the Frontlines, Part 1

A farmworker picks strawberries in Wayne County, NY.

In this first installment of a weekly series, farmworkers share stories from the frontlines, illustrating why we need an even stronger standard than EPA proposes.

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