End of Genitalia-Altering Pesticide

This story is proof that citizen oversight is key to enforcing our environmental laws and protecting people from untenable risks. The chemical companies and grower trade groups had EPA’s ear and it repeatedly bent to their will. But when the agency had to defend its action before judges, it realized it had to obey the law.

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EPA Ears Filled With Toxic Refinery Stories

Jesse Marquez of the Coalition for a Safe Environment (third from left) shows EPA staffers and others a Wilmington oil refinery, shortly before the public hearing.

One sunny Wednesday in Wilmington, California, instead of spending the day at work or taking their kids to the beach, community members gathered to tell the Environmental Protection Agency what it is like living near large oil refineries.

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A Win For Roadless Forest, Climate

Aspens in the lease expansion area.

Earthjustice prevailed after four years of fighting to protect the roadless forest in western Colorado from a coal mine that would deal a double whammy of damage.

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Oceans Law Reauthorization Process Begins

The U.S. Capitol building.

Congress is currently beginning the process of updating the most important oceans law in the United States, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), originally enacted in 1976

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