Fighting for Peoples' Right to Have Their Day in Court

A coal-fired power plant.

Earthjustice has filed an appeal challenging a California law that severely restricts the public’s ability to dispute the California Energy Commission’s green-lighting of new power plants

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Burden of Proof

Flaring at a oil refinery.

Louisianans take action to find out what’s happening with their dirty neighbors—oil refineries—explains Molly Brackin of the Louisiana Bucket Brigade. Since 2000, the Louisiana Bucket Brigade has worked with communities throughout Louisiana that neighbor oil refineries and chemical plants, and are overburdened by pollution.

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Restoring Instream Flow to Maui's "Four Great Waters"

Upper diversion on Waihe`e River with the entire flow of the river being diverted.

Under modern Hawaiʻi law, the rivers and streams in question (collectively known as Nā Wai ʻEhā—“The Four Great Waters” of Waihe‘e, ʻĪao (traditionally Wailuku), Waiehu, and Waikapū) are a public trust; but since the sugar plantation era, two companies drained them dry for private profit.

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