Calif. Ends Rule That Poisoned Us with Flame Retardants

Mother and child on a sofa.

Chemical flame retardants, which are present in a wide array of household products, have been linked to cancer and developmental, neurological and reproductive problems. And chances are, if you are sitting on a padded chair or couch, it contains these noxious chemicals.

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Giving Thanks for the End of Catfish Stuffing

Five years ago, fish biologists scooped up a catfish full of toxic ash from the Kingston coal ash disaster. Last month, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia brought us one step closer to ensuring such a disaster will never happen again. The court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency must set federal…

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A Thanksgiving Flood of Salmon

More salmon have returned to the Elwha River over the past two months than at any time in at least 20 years.

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Dirtying America’s Land of the Midnight Sun

Alaska—a place of untamed American wilderness. Unfortunately, it’s also home to dirty coal. The second part of our ongoing series about communities dealing with coal ash problems takes us far north where in Fairbanks four coal-fired power plants generate coal ash used as fill for nearby lowlands.

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Champions of the Endangered Species Act in Congress

Last week, Earthjustice and 20+ partner organizations hosted an event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act and honor some of the most important champions of this visionary law. On Dec. 28, 1973, Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together to pass the ESA—one of the most effective environmental laws ever enacted—with…

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Reflecting on The Fight For This Good Earth

The setting of the sun over the Pacific Ocean and a towering thundercloud on July 21, 2003, as seen from the International Space Station.

The approach of Thanksgiving is a good time to step back from the fast pace of our fight to protect the Earth and its people, and reflect on the many reasons to be grateful. Please join me and share what’s on your gratitude list by leaving a comment at the end of this piece. My…

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No EPA Progress on Anniversary of Coal Ash Disaster

It was early October, but the trees were still a vibrant green. Fall had not yet arrived and winter was still a distant concern in Kingston, TN. Fishing boats and jet skis were tied to docks along the Clinch River, and even though it was a Thursday morning it was obvious that folks in this…

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A Victory for Utah’s Red Rock Country

Factory Butte in southern Utah.

Signaling the end of an era in which off-road vehicles like ATVs and jeeps were allowed to run roughshod over public lands, a federal judge in Utah has struck down a Bureau of Land Management ORV plan for 2.1-million acres of central Utah. Earthjustice attorneys and a coalition of conservation groups spent five years challenging…

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