Navy Sonar Harms Marine Mammals

Magistrate Judge Nandor Vadas has set a deadline of August 1, 2014 for the National Marine Fisheries Service to develop a plan that will ensure Navy sonar and live-fire training doesn’t violate the Endangered Species Act.

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Supreme Court Reviews Air Rule that Would Prevent Thousands of Deaths Each Year

The highest court of the land will hear argument in a case that is important to anyone with lungs. A vital air safeguard, the 2011 rule would require power plants in more than two dozen states to clean up nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide pollution that drifts across state borders and contributes to harmful soot (particles) and smog (ozone) pollution in downwind states.

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Why Honeybees Matter

Collapsed colonies spell disaster for our food system, and toxic pesticide is to blame

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Remembering Nelson Mandela

President Bill Clinton with Nelson Mandela at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA, July 4 1993.

Around the world, people are pausing to remember and honor Nelson Mandela, who passed away today. My memory is traveling in South Africa during apartheid; hiding in the back of cars to go into “coloured only” and “black only” areas; meeting with lawyers in the anti-apartheid struggle who had been banned from law practice and…

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"Pure Michigan" Might Not be So Pure

Every year in Michigan coal plants produce more than 1.7 million tons of coal ash. In addition to the threats posed by unchecked coal ash storage sites, “beneficial reuse” provisions of Michigan law allow for coal ash to be used in trenches as construction fill or spread on agricultural fields.

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In Remembrance: Jan Nona

“You have the right to safe drinking water in this country. They took that right away from us.” Jan Nona, 1939–2014 This Thanksgiving the world lost a great woman. With unequaled intelligence and tenacity, Jan Nona fought for clean water in her small Indiana town after toxic coal ash from the Northern Indiana Public Service…

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The Insanity of Pennsylvania Coal Ash

How is coal ash dumped at one site hazardous, but beneficial at another? The Little Blue Run coal ash impoundment has poisoned nearby waters with arsenic, selenium, boron and more. Residents tell of murky sludge oozing from the ground around their homes.

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