An Open Letter on DAPL

Jon Eagle Sr.

“Our experience is that the U.S. does not honor the treaties of their grandfathers,” writes the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s historic preservation officer.

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Es Hora De Decirle Adiós Al Gas Doméstico

Mari Rose Taruc

Los aparatos de gas están contaminando nuestros hogares. Las líneas de gas provocan trágicas explosiones. Electrificar nuestra oferta de viviendas puede ayudar.

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Cada Voto Cuenta

A volunteer (right) helps a woman register at an early voting station at Camden Yards, on the second day of early voting in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 27, 2020.

Una papeleta sigue siendo una papeleta, ya sea que se envíe por correo o se deposite en una urna de forma presencial.

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What Happens When a Hurricane Smashes Into Fossil Fuels?

Aerial photo of the nation's largest oil refinery, owned by Motiva and located in Port Arthur, Texas, submerged in floodwaters in 2017 due to Hurricane Harvey.

When hurricanes hit our coasts, vulnerable fossil fuel plants threaten local communities, wildlife, and entire ecosystems with a “second storm” of toxic air, poisoned water, and chemical fires. Here‘s what needs to be done to reduce and eliminate the risks.

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