How We Can Preserve Breathable Air in a World on Fire

A dark orange haze over the New York skyline

Increasing wildfires fueled by climate change unleash a toxic cocktail. Here’s how we can lessen their health impacts by strengthening clean air protections year-round and nationwide.

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Remembering Steve McCarthy

Stephen Rogers McCarthy.

In his 15 years as a trustee, Steve brought energy, curiosity, a love of vigorous debate, and a focus on ultimate goals to Earthjustice’s board.

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Ways to Support Maui After the Wildfires

A line of people make a chain to unload supplies

Earthjustice stands with our clients, partners, friends, and family in Hawaiʻi as emergency workers continue to search for survivors and assess the damage from this disaster.

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Cómo Ayudar a Maui Tras los Incendios Forestales

Voluntarios de King's Cathedral Maui descargan donaciones de mantas y suministros el 10 de agosto de 2023 en Kahului, Hawái. Decenas de personas murieron y miles fueron desplazadas después de que un incendio forestal impulsado por el viento devastara la ciudad de Lahaina.

Earthjustice apoya a nuestros clientes, socios, amigos y familiares en Hawái mientras los socorristas continúan buscando sobrevivientes y evaluando los daños de este desastre.

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