Cutting Methane, Boosting Hope For Climate Success

Oil refinery

World leaders are gathered in Paris to pledge support for taking meaningful climate action, and there may be no climate solution that is lower cost and higher impact than cutting methane pollution.

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Methane Fighters Take on Washington

Methane: in November 2015, 35 people from 12 different states came to Washington, D.C. with one message: clean up the oil and gas industry’s air pollution.

Thirty-five people from 12 different states visited Washington, D.C., to share their stories with their representatives in an effort to build support for the EPA’s newly proposed Methane Pollution Standard.
Earthjustice and partner groups flew 35 people from 12 states to Washington D.C. to tell policy makes just how much methane pollution from oil and gas drilling has compromised their health.

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Endangered Species Act Is Working

Grizzly in Yellowstone

Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead has launched his yearlong term as chairman of the Western Governors Association by attacking the Endangered Species Act.

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