Hogwash from the Pork Industry

"Warren Wilson College" by Kevin Schraer https://flic.kr/p/qpdgFW

The biggest agribusiness companies in the world want you to think they’re standing up for small family farms—but that’s a load of manure.

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COP21: Mainstreaming Climate Change Within Financial Institutions

"#COP21 - Human Energy à la Tour Eiffel à Paris" by Yann Caradec https://flic.kr/p/BKt9FC

Financial institutions are crucial players in the global fight against climate change. In order for countries around the world to successfully pursue low-carbon and climate-resilient development, significant funds will need to be harnessed.

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Ships, Planes and Climate Change

International shipping port

Negotiators at the Paris climate talks can’t forget the outsized role international shipping and aviation play in emissions of harmful greenhouse gasses.

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One California County’s Fracked Idea

Oil drilling operations in Kern County, Calif.

Kern County is the nation’s largest oil-producing county, and to keep on top it’s not going to let a little thing like public review of new oil and gas permits get in its way.

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Winter is Coming: 5 Wonderlands Under Threat

Lake Tahoe

These five winter wonderlands are facing multiple threats, but Earthjustice attorneys are hard at work to protect and preserve their beauty for generations to come.

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