Legal Action Armors Puget Sound Against Habitat Loss

Morning fog lingering on a Puget Sound beach.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is shirking its duty to make sure changes to coastal habitats—including Puget Sound—won’t destroy valuable public resources.

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Broken Laws and Public Trust in Seattle

Polar Pioneer in the Port of Seattle

Shell and its Arctic drilling rig, the Polar Pioneer, have already run roughshod over Washington state and Seattle laws—and they plan to come back this November for round two.

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Iconic Images Offer Pristine View of a Threatened Arctic

A bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) surfaces in the Arctic Ocean.

In Frozen Treasure: Defending the Arctic, National Geographic photographs help our audience learn about the diverse Arctic ecosystem that is threatened by plans to drill oil and gas wells in Alaskan waters and beyond.

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Keeping the Grand Canyon Wild

The Grand Canyon

Over 200,000 people sent comments to the Forest Service in response to a proposed development near the southern rim of the Grand Canyon.

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