The Latest by Earthjustice

Because the earth needs a good lawyer

We live in a country of strong environmental laws — and Earthjustice holds those who break our nation’s laws accountable for their actions.

Illustration of children joyfully waving to an electric school bus.
October 17, 2023

The Time Is Right For Electric School Buses

Electric buses save kids’ lungs and save school districts money.

This Dec. 22, 2018, photo shows a pump jack over an oil well along Interstate 25 near Dacono, Colo.
October 13, 2023

For Big Oil and Gas, Greenwashing is the New Climate Denial

Instead of outright climate denial, the new fossil fuel industry strategy is delaying action on climate change through confusing greenwashing tactics.

Tetris-style illustration with the U.S. Supreme Court building.
October 2, 2023

4 Reasons for Hope in Environmental Progress Despite the Supreme Court

We still have strong legal tools to protect people and the planet.

Air pollution billows out from a coal-fired power plant's smokestacks.
September 19, 2023

Carbon Capture: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s False Climate Solution

A massive buildout of carbon capture facilities is not the way to avert the climate crisis.

A line of people make a chain to unload supplies
August 14, 2023

Ways to Support Maui After the Wildfires

Earthjustice stands with our clients, partners, friends, and family in Hawaiʻi as emergency workers continue to search for survivors and assess the damage from this disaster.

Voluntarios de King's Cathedral Maui descargan donaciones de mantas y suministros el 10 de agosto de 2023 en Kahului, Hawái. Decenas de personas murieron y miles fueron desplazadas después de que un incendio forestal impulsado por el viento devastara la ciudad de Lahaina.
August 14, 2023

Cómo Ayudar a Maui Tras los Incendios Forestales

Earthjustice apoya a nuestros clientes, socios, amigos y familiares en Hawái mientras los socorristas continúan buscando sobrevivientes y evaluando los daños de este desastre.

Millions of Americans rely on the Clean Water Rule to protect their drinking water sources. Additionally, the 2015 Clean Water Rule protects streams and wetlands that help reduce flooding and filter pollution.
June 8, 2023

The Supreme Court Has Severely Weakened Clean Water Protections. Here’s How We’ll Fight Back.

The court’s Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency decision puts more than half of the nation’s wetlands at risk. But we still have legal tools to fight back.

President Joe Biden walks on the South Lawn after he returned to the White House on October 10, 2022 in Washington, D.C.
January 19, 2023

Time is Ticking for Biden on This Urgent Environmental Work

The midpoint of Biden’s presidential term reminds us that time is of the essence for meeting environmental commitments.

Workers for EcoDepot Inc. install solar panels on a roof in Spokane, Washington.
November 2, 2022

Coming In 2024: New Ways For Homeowners to Save Money While Fighting Climate Change

Tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act can help you electrify your home.

August 18, 2022

Luchando Por Un Futuro Libre De Hidrocarburos

Cuando juntos ganamos batallas legales, tenemos el potencial de crear un cambio sistémico duradero.