The Latest by Earthjustice

Because the earth needs a good lawyer

We live in a country of strong environmental laws — and Earthjustice holds those who break our nation’s laws accountable for their actions.

Hurricane Ida toppled these power lines near a petroleum refinery outside LaPlace, Louisiana. Ida's eastern wall went right over LaPlace, inflicting heavy damage on the area.
September 2, 2021

Cómo Ayudar a Las Personas Afectadas por el Huracán Ida

Nuestras comunidades necesitan ayuda urgentemente. Entre tanto, debemos detener la quema y extracción de combustibles fósiles.

Hurricane Ida toppled these power lines near a petroleum refinery outside LaPlace, Louisiana. Ida's eastern wall went right over LaPlace, inflicting heavy damage on the area.
September 2, 2021

How You Can Help People Hit By Hurricane Ida

Communities urgently need assistance now — and in the long run, we must stop the burning and extraction of fossil fuels.

A hiker sits in a courtroom in the middle of a forest
August 12, 2021

50 for 50: Level up Your Environmental Advocacy With Earthjustice Today

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the last 50 years, it’s that your voice matters.

Grizzly 610 and her two cubs take a walk through Willow Flats in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
August 9, 2021

We’ve Been Winning Environmental Battles for 50 Years. Here’s What We’ll Fight for in Our Next 50.

Today, the concept that the environment can be protected through the power of the law is no longer up for debate.

January 19, 2021

Until the Earth Thrives, We Will Never Rest

After four years of fighting the worst administration for the environment in this country’s history, we have the opportunity to repair and rebuild.

Biden arrives to speak at a rally in Detroit, Mich., on Oct. 31, 2020.
November 7, 2020

Joe Biden Gana: Es Hora de Trabajar por el Planeta y Los que la Habitan

La gente ha hablado en las urnas y Joe Biden es el presidente electo, pero el trabajo no termina aquí.

A volunteer (right) helps a woman register at an early voting station at Camden Yards, on the second day of early voting in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 27, 2020.
November 4, 2020

Cada Voto Cuenta

Una papeleta sigue siendo una papeleta, ya sea que se envíe por correo o se deposite en una urna de forma presencial.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, shown here at the Court in 2013, advocated for gender equality throughout her career.
September 22, 2020

‘Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is One of the Reasons I Work at Earthjustice’: Honoring a Legal Giant’s Legacy

Earthjustice staff share their memories of Justice Ginsburg and their reflections on her career.

Earthjustice Managing Attorney Isaac Moriwake surveys rooftop solar
March 19, 2019

New Head of Earthjustice’s Hawai‘i Office Takes on Environmental Challenges

Isaac Moriwake spoke with the Honolulu Star-Advertiser about climate change, water rights, and how you can lose the battle but win the war

A dugong digs in seagrass for food. Earthjustice is fighting to protect the endangered Okinawan dugong.
July 9, 2018

Standing up for the Dugong, in Costumes and in Court

Earthjustice has asked the court to halt construction of a U.S. military base until the Department of Defense complies with laws dealing with preservation.