The Latest by Jaida Nabayan

Editorial Intern

Jaida Nabayan was an intern for Earthjustice’s editorial team in 2020.

a close up view of an Atlantic bluefin tuna underwater
June 10, 2020

Senseless Removal of Species Protections Threatens Life in the Gulf of Mexico

Sushi is almost as common a choice as any for family dinners, first dates, or even the solo diner. The industry now boasts thousands of restaurants and generates billions in revenue, but our taste for Japan’s hand-rolled sea fare poses a threat you won’t read about on a restaurant menu.

Una voluntaria habla con una mujer a la cual le provee cuidado casero durante el aislamiento en Roma, Italia.
April 9, 2020

8 Maneras En Que Puede Ayudar A Su Comunidad En Medio De La Pandemia COVID-19

Aún en la era del distanciamiento social, es posible conectarnos con nuestros vecinos y ofrecer apoyo a los más necesitados.

A volunteer speaks to a woman she's providing with home care in Rome during Italy's COVID-19 lockdown.
April 8, 2020

8 Ways You Can Help Your Community Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Even in the era of social distancing, we can still connect with our neighbors and offer support to those in need.

Volunteers at a nonprofit in Washington, D.C., distribute free hot meals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
April 8, 2020

Craving Connection Beyond ‘Animal Crossing’? 8 Ways to Build Community Bridges Amid COVID-19

Even in the era of social distancing, we can still connect with our neighbors and offer support to those in need.