The Latest by Jessica A. Knoblauch

Senior Staff Writer

Jessica is a former award-winning journalist. She enjoys wild places and dispensing justice, so she considers her job here to be a pretty amazing fit.

Bruce Lanphear’s scientific work showed the dangers of low-level lead exposure. His work with Earthjustice helped ensure safer homes for our children.
July 2, 2018

In a Big Win for Kids, EPA Finally Proposes to Strengthen Lead Standards

Stronger lead standards, prompted by Earthjustice litigation, will better protect thousands of children nationwide.

sponge and cleaning fluid
June 11, 2018

New York’s New Guidance Lets Us Know What’s in Our Toilet Bowl Cleaner

A victory for consumers comes after years of perseverance in pushing household cleaning product manufacturers to disclose their ingredients.

Las palabras artificial flavor (sabor artificial) en las etiquetas de ingredientes de alimentos procesados puede referirse a peligrosos químicos que causan cáncer en animales.
May 11, 2018

Una receta para el desastre

Por años hemos sabido de siete aditivos en nuestra comida que causan cáncer, pero la FDA se niega a prohibirlos.

Community organizer Linda Garcia banded together with environmental activists and union leaders to speak out against a proposed massive oil terminal in her hometown of Vancouver, Washington. Gov. Jay Inslee rejected the proposal in January, citing environ
April 25, 2018

Grassroots Activists Just Proved Big Oil Can’t Buy Its Way Into America’s Hometowns

Thanks to a grassroots uprising and Earthjustice litigation, the city of Vancouver, Washington, has delivered a huge blow to the largest oil-by-rail project proposal in North America.

Karina Montoya, hija de una trabajadora agrícola, fue parte de los adolescentes de Oxnard, California, que se pronunciaron en contra de la propuesta para una planta de gas en su ciudad
April 23, 2018

Una compañía de combustibles fósiles quiso instalar una planta de gas en una hermosa playa. Pero falló.

La última decisión de los inspectores de California para rechazar la propuesta es un punto de inflexión en el futuro de la energía limpia en el estado.

April 18, 2018

A Giant Oil Refinery Wants to Hide Its Role in Creating the Nation’s Most Polluted ZIP Code

Residents are pushing back against the Suncor refinery’s attempt to evade pollution reporting requirements in their Denver neighborhood.

Earthjustice attorney Jan Hasselman tours the Atchafalaya Basin with clients, seeing the impacts of oil pipelines to the area.
April 6, 2018

The Next Battle in the Fight to Stop Dirty Pipelines

Earthjustice and its clients won a huge victory when a federal judge shut down the Bayou Bridge pipeline in Louisiana; a federal appeals court will decide what comes next.

Karina Montoya, whose mother is an agricultural worker, was among the Oxnard, California, teens who spoke out against a proposed gas plant in their hometown.
March 23, 2018

A Fossil Fuel Company Tried to Put a Dirty Gas Plant on a Beautiful Coastline. It Failed.

California regulators’ latest move to reject the short-sighted proposal is a turning point in the state’s clean energy future.

Joel Minor
March 19, 2018

Trump Admin Just Lost Another Attempt to Nix Commonsense Rules on Methane

The “little rule that could” is back in effect, saving lives and generating millions in taxpayer dollars.

Two wolves in the winter forest
March 16, 2018

Out for Blood: Legislators Escalate Their War on Wolves

Some legislators have pushed an all-out war on wolves for years. Now they’re going in for the ultimate kill: gutting the very law that protects this iconic species.