The Latest by Mark Magaña

Guest Contributor

Mark Magaña is the President and CEO of GreenLatinos, a national non-profit organization that convenes a broad coalition of Latino leaders committed to addressing national, regional and local environmental, natural resources and conservation issues that significantly affect the health and welfare of the Latino community in the United States.

September 25, 2015

Punto crítico: ¿Los latinos le seguirán los pasos al papa Francisco en su camino para proteger el medio ambiente?

De acuerdo a un reciente estudio de opinión realizado, los latinos son especialmente receptivos al llamado que el Papa hizo recientemente a defender la Creación de Dios. 80 por ciento de los votantes latinos que encuestamosdijo que ya están sintiendo los efectos del cambio climático.

Green Latinos Festival 2014
September 25, 2015

Tipping Point: Will Latinos Follow Pope Francis’s Lead on the Environment?

A recent survey shows Latinos overwhelming support the pope’s call to defend God’s creation, since nearly 80% say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change.