The Latest by Rebecca Bowe

Public Affairs and Communications Officer

Based in Portland, OR, Rebecca is Earthjustice's Public Affairs and Communications Officer for lands, wildlife, and oceans.

Residents of Nuiqsut, a small Alaska Native village, say that Bureau of Land Management officials did not take their input seriously during a virtual public hearing about a proposed oil-and-gas drilling plan.
May 14, 2020

‘Virtual’ Hearings Are Silencing Indigenous Voices in Alaska

Amidst COVID-19, Trump administration asks Alaska Native communities to log on Zoom and talk about the destruction of their ancestral lands.

Waste floats on the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona, in 1972. Congress passed the Clean Water Act that year, establishing federal protection for all water in the U.S.
April 21, 2020

What the Trump Administration Is Doing to Your Water

The administration is attempting to undo the landmark 1972 Clean Water Act. Read on to learn why you should be concerned.

Smoke obscures the sun along the Chena River in Fairbanks on July 8, 2019. Record high temperatures in Alaska in early July worsened wildfires burning throughout the state.
July 19, 2019

As Alaska Overheats, Trump Administration Policies Could Make Things Worse

Anchorage just experienced its hottest two days on record.

Earthjustice attorney Jenny Harbine
April 19, 2019

Judge Rules Trump Administration Violated Law By Opening Public Lands to Coal Leasing

Earthjustice attorney Jenny Harbine just stopped the Trump's administration's efforts to open up dirty coal leasing on public lands.

Polar bear mother with two cubs on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean.
January 22, 2019

Arctic Refuge Oil Surveys Put Polar Bears In The Crosshairs

Oil and gas industrialization would destroy one of the last truly intact wilderness areas on Earth

Oil and gas development is threatening the traditional way of life in the Alaska Native village of Nuiqsut.
April 18, 2018

Arctic Drilling Will Only Worsen Air Pollution for a Village That’s Fighting to Breathe

Earthjustice is challenging the federal agencies that want to fling open the Western Arctic’s gates for oil and gas drilling.

A line forms outside of the public hearing about President Trump’s plans to expand offshore oil drilling.
February 20, 2018

Trump Administration Mutes Your Feedback on Offshore Drilling Plan

By law, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management must collect public input before enacting its five-year offshore leasing plan. But don't expect an actual human being to listen to your testimony.

A sea otter eats in the waters of Monterey Bay.
December 8, 2017

The Otters’ Advocate

The Endangered Species Act helped the sea otter make an incredible recovery, now Congress wants to gut the act.

The way of life of the Gwich’in people, who have depended on the caribou of the Arctic Refuge for millennia, is threatened by plans for oil drilling.
October 11, 2017

Trump’s Brazen Attempt to Open the Arctic Up to Drilling

Earthjustice is fighting efforts to target the biological heart of the Arctic Refuge for oil and gas development.

The bald eagle is just one of the species that the Endangered Species Act has saved from extinction.
July 18, 2017

What’s Behind Attacks on the Endangered Species Act? Lots of Industry Money

Some Congressmen are trying to weaken the Endangered Species Act, a law that is credited with saving 227 different species.