The Latest by Terry McGuire

Senior Legislative Representative

Part of Earthjustice's Policy & Legislation team from 2016-2024, Terry's work on Capitol Hill covered National Ambient Air Quality Standards, air toxics, and the Regional Haze Rule.

July 28, 2016

Nuestros Parques Nacionales Necesitan un Respiro de Aire Puro

Desde las Great Smoky Mountains hasta el Parque Nacional de Joshua Tree, la neblina contaminada es una de las amenazas más generalizadas y apremiantes que acechan a nuestros parques y a los que quieren disfrutarlos.

A hazy view at the South Rim overlook of Big Ben National Park in Texas.
July 28, 2016

Our National Parks Need a Breath of Fresh Air

Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.