Until the Earth Thrives, We Will Never Rest
After four years of fighting the worst administration for the environment in this country’s history, we have the opportunity to repair and rebuild.
This page was published 4 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.
We are living in a moment of transformative change.
The intertwining crises of climate, public health, rampant inequality, and extinction are laying bare the many ways in which our current systems are broken, and the huge challenges that lie ahead.
But as difficult as this moment is, it also holds the promise that we can make common cause to turn the tide and start to create a healthier and more just world for everyone. After four years of fighting the worst administration for the environment in this country’s history, we have the opportunity to repair and rebuild — and to work toward a thriving, equitable, and climate-resilient world, leaving no one behind.
Earthjustice was built for this moment. For 50 years, we have represented all our clients free of charge in their fight for clean air, clean water, and protections for wilderness and wildlife. We take on the toughest cases — and we win.
We won’t rest until our planet is protected, and all life can thrive.
We will never back down, even in the face of the corrupt and powerful.
Our attorneys take on the biggest polluters, even when the deck is stacked against us — because these are fights we can’t afford to lose.
SCOTUS Clean Water Act Victory: We’ll take the fight for our planet as far as we need to — even to the halls of the Supreme Court. In a case that started in Hawaii and ended in D.C., Earthjustice attorney David Henkin argued against a Trump administration-backed ploy to blow a hole in the Clean Water Act. With the help of our partners, Henkin delivered a compelling argument to the Supreme Court justices — and won.
Protecting the Arctic: The Trump administration gave a free pass to fossil fuel interests to push their dirty energy agenda in the Arctic. Our advocacy helped restore protections against drilling in the Arctic Ocean. The battle isn’t over yet: We will continue fighting on multiple fronts to preserve one of our last truly wild landscapes.
We never go it alone.
Our clients and partners are a powerful force to be reckoned with, because they are fighting for what’s just and right. Together we wield the power of the law and the strength of community to fight for justice and a healthy environment for all.
Still Standing: The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline has captivated the world and become a beacon for tribal sovereignty. Even after the cameras disappeared and the camps of the water protectors were dismantled, tribal members continued to battle in the courts for their right to land and water, represented by Earthjustice. After years of legal drama and in the midst of a pandemic, the Tribe won a crucial victory: DAPL’s permits have been revoked.
Grassroots Activism Defeats Massive Oil Terminal: In a scrappy former timber town in Washington, a broad coalition of environmental activists, community organizers, union leaders, and Native American tribes represented by Earthjustice took on what would have been North America’s largest oil export terminal. Together, the coalition drew a thin green line against exporting dirty energy and locking the world into decades of continued dependence on fossil fuels.
We never give up — even when the road to justice takes years.
Court battles to protect our environment are not won overnight. Whether the road to justice takes 10 months or 10 years, we stay fighting for the environment to the very end.
Defending Yellowstone Grizzlies: Protecting the grizzly population around Yellowstone National Park has been a key objective of Earthjustice’s Northern Rockies Office since its creation 25 years ago. Not long ago, a pivotal argument by our lawyers helped spare the bears from a trophy hunt.
Saving Bristol Bay, Alaska: After more than a decade, the threat of a huge, open-pit copper and gold mine destroying the world’s greatest sockeye salmon run has been laid to rest — for now. In partnership with Alaska Native Tribes and local defenders, we will continue to protect Bristol Bay from the ill-conceived disaster that is the Pebble Mine.
We never stop dreaming big.
We have a decade to avoid climate catastrophe. Scientists have long argued that leaving fossil fuels in the ground, and transitioning to renewable energy, is our only hope for a thriving, healthy planet. Earthjustice uses the courts and community partnerships to cut carbon emissions, accelerate the shift from dirty to clean energy, and build resilient ecosystems to save our wild places and wildlife.
From Zero to 100: Earthjustice is advancing bold and equitable solutions to the climate crisis. Zero to 100 explains how our legal work, alongside our clients and partners, is bringing about a swift and just transition to zero carbon emissions and 100% clean energy.
Electrifying California: We don’t just imagine a zero-emissions future. We live it. With our Right to Zero campaign, we’re helping California — the world’s fifth-largest economy — be a model for how major economies can equitably transition away from fossil fuels.
A Big Win for a Big Bird: Protecting endangered species like the greater sage-grouse is crucial for reversing the loss of biodiversity. We advocate for reducing environmental stressors, such as fossil fuel development, deforestation, and rampant development that destroys wild land and natural resources.