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document June 26, 2024

Earthjustice Opposes HR 115 and HR 358

Earthjustice opposes damaging pieces of legislation: H.R.115, the “Midnight Rules Relief Act,” and H.R. 358, “Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act” (SBRFIA)

The U.S. Capitol building. (Architect of the Capitol)
From the Experts June 21, 2024

The Congressional Review Act: Congress’s Favorite Tool to Undermine Public Health, Labor Rights, and Environmental Protections

It’s time to repeal this damaging and undemocratic piece of legislation.

A northern long-eared bat. (Photo courtesy of Dave Thomas)
Press Release September 26, 2023

Earthjustice Applauds White House for Vetoing Attacks on Endangered Species Act

President Biden put an end to GOP-led effort to remove protections for lesser prairie-chicken and northern long-eared bat

A turtle swims offshore of Kahekili Beach Park, Maui, Hawaiʻi. (Courtesy of Don McLeish)
Press Release April 18, 2023

Attacks on the Endangered Species Act Continue With House Consideration of Wildlife Bills

Proposals seek to weaken species protections on behalf of special interests

Press Release March 29, 2023

Senate Votes to Gut Clean Water Protections

“Protections for clean water are constantly under attack from polluting industries, and this will not be the last Republican attempt to significantly weaken the Clean Water Act during this Congress.”

Oil and gas operations near residential areas in Colorado. 80 percent of voters in Western states support cutting methane waste on public lands, according to a 2016 poll by Colorado College’s State of the Rockies Project.
(Chris Schneider for Earthjustice)
Article October 5, 2017

We’re Suing the Trump Administration for Delaying Protections Against Methane. Again.

The Trump administration is trying to delay environmental rules that it and polluting industries dislike, but the courts aren’t having it.

Operaciones de petróleo y gas cerca de zonas residenciales en Colorado. El 80 por ciento de votantes en la costa oeste apoyan disminuir residuos de gas metano en areas públicas, de acuerdo a un estudio de Colorado State College of the Rockies Project del 2016.
(Chris Schneider para Earthjustice)
Article July 13, 2017

Demandamos A La Administración Trump Por Demorar Protecciones Contra El Terrible Gas Metano. De Nuevo.

Earthjustice demandó este mes a la Oficina de Administración de Tierras (BLM, por sus siglas en inglés) por demorar regulaciones contra el gas metano, uno de los principales causantes del efecto invernadero que amenaza la salud de millones de personas y el clima del planeta.

Press Release May 10, 2017

Common Sense Prevails in Senate, as Anti-Environment Extremists Fail to Undo Methane Pollution Measure

Preserving limits on wasteful methane pollution will combat climate change, protect public health

Dal-Tex mountaintop removal mine near the community of Spruce Valley, Pigeon Roost Hollow West Virginia.
(Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition)
Press Release February 16, 2017

Trump Signs Attack on Clean Water into Law

Refusing to hold coal companies accountable for stream destruction, contamination

Methane pollution. (Leonid Ikan / Shutterstock)
Press Release February 3, 2017

Anti-Environment Extremists Vote Against Clean Air, Measure Heads to Senate

Undoing limits on wasteful methane pollution would speed climate change, harm public health

The Stream Protection Rule is obliterated, creating a tougher fight ahead for communities near coal mines.
(Bo Mertz/CC BY-SA 2.0)
Article February 3, 2017

Congress Prioritizes Coal Interests Over Clean Streams

The Stream Protection Rule is obliterated, creating a tougher fight ahead for communities near coal mines

Mountaintop removal is a form of strip mining in which explosives are used to blast off the tops of mountains in order to reach the coal seams that lie underneath.
(Photo courtesy of OVEC)
Press Release February 2, 2017

Congress Moves to Deny Water Protections from Communities Living near Coal Mining

Leaving clean water and communities at risk

Mountaintop removal coal mining devastates the landscape, turning areas that should be lush with forests and wildlife into barren moonscapes.
(Photo courtesy of OVEC)
Press Release February 1, 2017

Republican Leaders Attack Water Protections as Early Priority

House moves forward dismantling the Stream Protection Rule, Senate expected to follow

Polluter-backed members of Congress are bent on putting forth an agenda that eviscerates vital safeguards, such as protections for clean water.
(Courtesy of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth)
Article January 31, 2017

Clean Water Protections Under Attack in Early Days of 115th Congress

Polluter-backed members of Congress are bent on putting forth an agenda that eviscerates vital safeguards, such as protections for clean water.

(Matt Tilghman / Shutterstock)
Press Release January 27, 2017

Earthjustice Condemns Congressional Backdoor Attack on Clean Air and Water

Republican leaders turn to eviscerating public safeguards as an early priority of 2017

Press Release December 1, 2015

House Votes Against the Clean Power Plan

Earthjustice statement on another attempt by polluters to overturn historic climate protections

Press Release: Victory June 20, 2012

Life-Saving Clean Air Protections Upheld in Senate Vote

Dirty air resolution to lock in coal plant pollution rejected

Press Release: Victory November 10, 2011

Senate Saves American Lives, Slams Two Toxic Death Knells Written For Big Polluters

Sides with Americans and their health and future by defeating Sen. Rand Paul’s Bad-Neighbor Dirty Air Act and Sen. John McCain’s Big Polluter Bailout