Because the earth needs a good lawyer

2023: Another Big Year Defending the Arctic

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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

With your support, this year, we kept up the fight to preserve Arctic lands and waters that are critical to the survival of wildlife, culturally important to Indigenous peoples, and serve as vital bulwarks against climate change.

Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice

Since establishing our Alaska regional office in 1978, we’ve been on the ground across Alaska and throughout the region, fighting destructive oil and gas drilling and other threats to the region’s communities, lands, waters, and wildlife.

Becca Bowe / Earthjustice

With your support,
this year, we kept up the fight to preserve Arctic lands and waters that are critical to the survival of wildlife, culturally important to Indigenous peoples, and serve as vital bulwarks against climate change.

Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice

A field with white cotton flowers in the foreground and mountains in the background.

Hillebrand / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

An endangered bowhead whale in the Arctic Ocean.

Vicki Beaver / NOAA

Sarah Sonsthagen / USGS

Katrina Liebich / U.S. FWS

Earthjustice's Alaska-based team in Juneau.

Becca Bowe / Earthjustice

Wanda Culp and her colleagues at WECAN are fighting to defend the Tongass from logging.

Michael Penn for Earthjustice

Michael Penn for Earthjustice

Since establishing our Alaska regional office in 1978, we’ve been on the ground across Alaska and throughout the region, fighting destructive oil and gas drilling and other threats to the region’s communities, lands, waters, and wildlife.

Together, we’re bringing extraordinary hope and strength to the Arctic and its wildlife and people. But there’s so much more to do.

Legal pressure brought by Earthjustice helped to halt the Peregrine exploratory drilling project in the Western Arctic — defusing one carbon bomb that threatens to undermine our nation’s climate goals.

Video: Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice

Legal pressure brought by Earthjustice helped to halt the Peregrine exploratory drilling project in the Western Arctic — defusing one carbon bomb that threatens to undermine our nation’s climate goals.

Photo: Gary Braasch / NWF

We’ve fought to protect the Arctic for decades.

And this year, the Biden administration took important steps to do so, canceling illegal oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and proposing important safeguards against new fossil fuel threats.

Photo: Art Wolfe / Getty Images

ConocoPhillips’ massive Willow oil and gas project still threatens the Arctic — despite the fact that we previously blocked it in court, the public overwhelming opposes it, and climate action requires an end to Arctic drilling.

Photo: ConocoPhillips

We’re not backing down.

Earthjustice is back in court challenging the Biden administration’s approval of the Willow development — and we’re committed to holding the administration accountable to its climate promises.

Photo: Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice

We’re not backing down.

Earthjustice is back in court challenging the Biden administration’s approval of the Willow development — and we’re committed to holding the administration accountable to its climate promises.

Let’s work together to end fossil fuel extraction across the U.S.