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Press Release February 16, 2022

Congressional Leaders Introduce Bill to Save the North Atlantic Right Whale

The “Right Whale Coexistence Act” introduced to support survival and recovery of critically endangered species

Lau'ipala (yellow tang fish) swim in a coral reef off the island of Lānaʻi, Hawaii. Reefs are essential to biodiversity, with 25% of all marine species found in, on, or near
them. Healthy reefs also facilitate subsistence and commercial fishing, and they protect people from storm surges and floods, absorbing up to 97% of a shorebound wave’s energy. Around a billion people benefit from reefs. (M Swiet Productions / Getty Images)
feature March 14, 2024

Ocean Biodiversity

Ocean ecosystems are essential to our world, and thankfully, we can still chart a new path forward to protect them.

A whale with several fishing ropes wrapped around its flipper. Over time, the whale's continued growth, combined with drag through the water and shifting, could cause these ropes to tighten, leading to bone damage, infection, and eventually death.
(Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission / NOAA Research Permit #932-1905/MA-009526)
Press Release April 28, 2015

New Data Shows West Coast Whale Entanglements Now At Record High Levels

Conservation groups seek reforms in crab and other California fisheries through collaborative effort

The humpback whale is one species that migrates along the California coast and is threatened by entanglement in fishing gear.
(Michael Dawes/Flickr)
Article May 7, 2015

Whale Entanglement Sightings Reach Record High

What’s causing the record number of whale entanglements off of the Pacific coast? Earthjustice is on the case.

A small blade of grass in the corner of her mouth, this young grizzly takes a break from grazing to survey the meadow along Pilgrim Creek.
(Thomas D. Mangelsen)
feature May 12, 2021

Wildlife We’re Fighting For

Meet 16 of the hundreds of species Earthjustice has gone to court to protect.

A north Atlantic right whale swims with dolphins.
 (Allison Henry / NOAA)
Press Release February 27, 2023

Earthjustice Statement on RESCUE Whales Act of 2023

“Science-based decision making is the core of the Endangered Species Act and has been essential to bringing numerous species back from the brink of extinction.”

Right whales are on the brink of extinction, pushed closer by a rash of recent and unprecedented deaths.(NOAA NMFS Northeast Regional Office / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release February 8, 2018

Conservation Groups File Lawsuit to Protect Critically Endangered Right Whales

Federal government is legally required to take action

Right whales are on the brink of extinction, pushed closer by a rash of recent and unprecedented deaths.(NOAA NMFS Northeast Regional Office / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release: Victory October 29, 2019

Court Rules in Key Case to Protect One of Earth’s Rarest Whales

A federal court bars use of entangling nets in vital right whale habitat

Right whales are on the brink of extinction, pushed closer by a rash of recent and unprecedented deaths.(NOAA NMFS Northeast Regional Office / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release March 7, 2019

Earthjustice Endorses SAVE Right Whales Act Legislation

Legislation would provide desperately needed funding to protect the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale

The Trump administration has authorized seismic surveying that will harm North Atlantic right whales like the ones shown here. Only about 400 whales of this species remain.
(NOAA photo)
Article March 12, 2019

Trump Regulators Gave Oil Industry a Pass to Injure Whales, and We’re Fighting Back

In its attempt to open up U.S. waters to the fossil fuel industry, the Trump administration gave a green light to conduct harmful seismic surveys. We’re taking them to court.

document April 28, 2015

Letter: New Data Shows West Coast Whale Entanglements Now At Record High Levels

Conservation groups seek reforms in crab and other California fisheries through collaborative effort

Press Release January 28, 2010

Conservation Groups in Court to Save Highly Endangered Whales

Right whales’ only known calving grounds threatened by Navy project

Press Release March 6, 2013

Longlines Hook False Killer Whale, Threatening Hawai‘i Population

Conservation groups urge immediate implementation of protection plan

Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, Atlantic Ocean
(NOAA Photo Library)
Press Release: Victory October 8, 2018

Federal Court Upholds Protections for Oceans and National Monuments

Court dismisses an industry challenge to the first U.S. Atlantic Ocean marine monument

Press Release August 3, 2009

Navy Decision Dodges Environmental Protections for Endangered Right Whales

Plans proceeding without survey of whale calving grounds

Article August 4, 2009

Navy Decision Threatens Endangered Right Whales

Warfare training facility near Florida runs through right whale territory

Article April 10, 2009

Defending False Killer Whales from Commercial Fishing in Hawai'i

A new scientific study (pdf) paints a bleak picture for Hawai’i’s false killer whales. For nearly a decade, the National Marine Fisheries Service’s data(pdf) have shown the Hawai’i longline fishery is killing these rare marine mammals at rates far beyond what the population can sustain. The latest data show the number of false killer whales in…

Article May 11, 2010

Monday Reads: The Gulf Oil Spill Wildlife Edition

Of “velcro” feathers and Pepto-Bismol (bonus: an amazing Right Whale tale)