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document June 20, 2024

Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Maui Na Wai Eha Stream Opinion

We therefore vacate the Commission’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order issued June 28, 2021, as amended by Errata issued June 30, 2021, with respect to the IIFS and the delegation of the Commission’s public trust duties. Other than for the reasons given in this opinion for vacatur or remand, we affirm. We remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Grizzly bear near Swan Lake Flats in Yellowstone National Park. (Jim Peaco / National Park Service)
Press Release: Victory June 28, 2024

Court Ruling Recognizes Roads Harm Grizzly Bears in Flathead National Forest

Conservation groups secure another win for grizzly bears and bull trout

The newly restored flows to Wailuku River in October 2014. (Kapua Sproat / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 24, 2024

Hawai‘i’s High Court Issues Another Historic Ruling in Maui “Four Waters” Case

State Water Commission failed to restore stream flows after closure of last sugar plantation

In the News: KYUK May 28, 2024

Pipeline proposed to power Donlin mine could have impacts from Y-K Delta to Cook Inlet

Olivia Glasscock, Attorney, Alaska Office, Earthjustice: “Unless you look at the whole project, you’re not actually going to understand the impacts on the public interest.”

In the News: The Mercury News May 23, 2024

Opinion: What Newsom should do next to curb Big Oil emissions

An opinion piece from Sasan Saadat (senior policy analyst on Earthjustice’s Right To Zero campaign) and Amelia Keyes (attorney at Communities for a Better Environment).

Press Release June 21, 2024

Community Fights For Clean Air, Challenges Bloomington Warehouse In Court

Predominantly working class Latino community targeted with a disproportionate number of industrial projects

In the News: Philadelphia Inquirer May 29, 2024

Philadelphia’s Black communities would suffer most from weakened air pollution rules

An opinion piece by Marvin C. Brown IV, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office, Earthjustice

In the News: The New York Times June 5, 2024

E.P.A. Moves to Limit Toxic Chemical Used in Hundreds of Products

Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz, Attorney, Toxic Exposure & Health Program: “You have this chemical that is causing severe health risks to workers, consumers and surrounding communities and those risks have not been adequately regulated under any other law.”

For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have charted the seven seas. (Irina Kozhemyakina / iStockphoto)
From the Experts February 8, 2024

Animal Magnetism: Sea turtles may follow Earth’s pull to navigate home

We’re fighting to protect the Gulf’s imperiled species as oil and gas corporations run freighters through precious habitat, drill deeper, and blast along the Gulf floor.

A ‘ua‘u (Hawaiian petrel) chick in its burrow. (Andre Raine / U.S. FWS)
Press Release June 10, 2024

Groups Seek Court Order to Protect Endangered Seabirds from Resort Lights

Grand Wailea must keep lights off to avoid killing and injuring Hawaiian petrels

In the News: Newsweek May 22, 2024

A Community-Led Clean Energy Revolution Is Taking Hold. Why Aren’t We Hearing About It?

An opinion piece by Laura Arroyo (Senior Attorney at Earthjustice) and Favianna Rodriguez (Founder and CEO of The Center for Cultural Power)

Anaan’arar Sophie Swope, Director, Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition, and Tribal leaders
, representatives, and citizens
meet with U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski in Washington, D.C. (Amanda Andrade-Rhoades for Earthjustice)
Press Release April 23, 2024

Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition deeply disappointed in Alaska’s Congressional delegation’s support for Donlin Gold Mine

Press release by the Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition: Alaska’s delegation sides with industry over Tribal requests, salmon in filing an amicus brief in support of the mine

Fishing skiffs tied up on the riverbank along the Kuskokwim River in the village of Akiachak, Alaska. (Design Pics Inc / Alamy)
Update March 19, 2024

Alaska Native Communities Are Standing up to a Gold Mine

Represented by Earthjustice, six Tribes are challenging the proposed Donlin Mine project in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Earthjustice attorneys Jacob Kopas and Mae Manupipatpong before a hearing at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Press Release April 23, 2024

Historic Hearings on Climate Change at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Earthjustice attorneys will be presenting before the Court

In the News: Tampa Bay Times May 10, 2024

Epidemic of dying sea life shows Florida’s lax water quality regulation is fouling our public waters

An opinion piece by Alisa Coe, Deputy Managing Attorney, Florida Office, Earthjustice

The Bristol Bay area of Alaska, where the proposed Pebble Mine threatens both one of the largest salmon spawning grounds in the world and the way of life for an entire area. (Pat Clayton / Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Press Release May 17, 2024

Conservation Groups Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision on the Proposed Pebble Mine

Earthjustice and NRDC join with Trustees for Alaska on behalf of 15 groups to defend Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine

Staff from Earthjustice’s San Francisco office, on a well-earned break. (Alison Yin for Earthjustice)
page February 26, 2024

Earthjustice Employee Benefits

To help our employees live and work well, Earthjustice provides a comprehensive employee benefits package and pays 100% of all health and welfare benefits premiums.

In the News: The New York Times May 3, 2024

Oil Companies Expand Offshore Drilling, Pointing to Energy Needs

Brettny Hardy, Attorney, Oceans Program: “No matter how you look at it, there’s a really dire need to accelerate this shift to clean energy. The things the industry is doing now is not going to help that transition.”