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Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James is an Earthjustice client and partner in a case against the “Sunshine Project” — a plant proposed by the Formosa Petrochemical Corporation. (Alejandro Dávila Fragoso / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 28, 2024

Formosa Plastics Must Follow New Federal Pollution Rules Designed to Keep People Healthy

Stricter rules on soot pollution could put Formosa Plastics in danger of losing its permits to operate

Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James is an Earthjustice client and partner in a case against the “Sunshine Project” — a plant proposed by the Formosa Petrochemical Corporation. (Alejandro Dávila Fragoso / Earthjustice)
Press Release March 18, 2024

Louisiana Groups Push for State Supreme Court to Review Formosa Plastics’ Air Permits Case

LDEQ air permits would exacerbate environmental racism and harm the health of St. James’ predominantly Black residents

Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James is an Earthjustice client and partner in a case against the “Sunshine Project” — a plant proposed by the Formosa Petrochemical Corporation. (Alejandro Dávila Fragoso / Earthjustice)
Press Release January 19, 2024

Louisiana Court Ruling Reverses Lower Court Decision and Upholds Air Permits for Formosa Plastics’ Massive Petrochemical Complex in Cancer Alley

Massive proposed petrochemical complex would exacerbate toxic pollution in predominantly Black communities

Shell Convent refinery in St. James Parish, Louisiana. (Alejandro Dávila Fragoso / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 26, 2020

Statements: Intimidation Tactics in Louisiana Won’t Silence Opposition to Formosa Plastics

40+ advocacy groups express outrage over arrests of Louisiana Bucket Brigade leaders, vow to stop Formosa’s plans to poison the Black community in St. James

Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James is working to prevent Formosa Plastics from building a giant, 14-plant petrochemical facility in St. James Parish.
(Brad Zweerink / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory September 14, 2022

Louisiana Court Vacates Air Permits for Formosa’s Massive Petrochemical Complex in Cancer Alley

Decision is a major victory for RISE St. James, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Healthy Gulf, No Waste Louisiana, Center for Biological Diversity, Earthworks, the Sierra Club, and others in a years-long fight

document June 26, 2024

Formosa Title V Air Permit Comments

Commenters object to renewing the PM2.5 emissions limits in FG LA LLC’s (Formosa Plastics’) Title V operating permits, Nos. 3141-3154 (the “Title V Permits”) for a proposed petrochemical complex in St. James Parish.

Sharon Lavigne, director of RISE St. James, sits next to her brother, Milton Cayette, Jr., a St. James resident, during Louisiana’s Department of Environmental Quality’s public hearing on whether to approve the 15 air permits for Formosa Plastics in Vacherie, Louisiana, on Jul. 9, 2019.
(Julie Dermanksy for Earthjustice)
Press Release July 9, 2019

Louisiana to Hold Hearing for Massive Formosa Plastics Toxic Chemical Complex

St. James Parish residents to protest Formosa’s proposed chemical complex

Press Release August 22, 2019

State Receives Over 15,000 Comments Opposing Permits for the Construction of Formosa’s Planned Petrochemical Complex in St. James Parish

Residents, activists, and local and national organizations are resisting serial polluter Formosa’s efforts to build a massive petrochemical complex in St. James Parish

Sharon Lavigne, director of RISE St. James, sits next to her brother, Milton Cayette, Jr., a St. James resident, during Louisiana’s Department of Environmental Quality’s public hearing on whether to approve the 15 air permits for Formosa Plastics in Vacherie, Louisiana, on Jul. 9, 2019.
(Julie Dermanksy for Earthjustice)
Press Release December 23, 2019

Residents, Civil Rights Groups, National Legal Organizations Call on St. James Parish Council to Rescind Formosa Plastics Land Use Decision

Letters raise alarming new information about cancer risks, company’s failure to protect residents and alert parish about burial grounds of enslaved people

Shell Convent refinery in St. James Parish, Louisiana. (Alejandro Dávila Fragoso / Earthjustice)
Press Release February 13, 2020

Appeal Challenges Louisiana’s Air Permits for Formosa’s Massive Petrochemical Complex in Cancer Alley

State permit failed to address increased pollution, disproportionate racial impacts, contribution to climate change

Sharon Lavigne, front, is fighting to keep a petrochemical plant out of her Louisiana community.
(Photo courtesy of Julie Dermansky)
feature January 23, 2024

Cancer Alley Rises Up

An overburdened community unites against Big Oil’s next big play.

document December 13, 2023

Formosa Docket for December 2023 Appeal Hearing

Docket of the Court of Appeal, First Circuit

document November 7, 2023

Formosa Docket for November 2023 Appeal Hearing

Docket of the Court of Appeal, First Circuit (3-judge panel)

document October 30, 2023

Amici Response Brief on Formosa Plastics Air Permit Case

Reply brief in response to four motions for leave to file amicus curiae briefs by the Louisiana Chemical Association, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, American Chemistry Council, and Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance.

document September 14, 2022

Formosa Plastics Air Permit Decision

Louisiana court vacates air permits for Formosa Plastics’ massive petrochemical complex in Cancer Alley

document October 8, 2021

Petitioner's Supplemental Brief Formosa Air Permits

Petitioner’s supplemental brief in support of their petition for judicial review. Addresses LDEQ Supplement to its Basis for Decision, approving air permits allowing Formosa Plastics to build a 14-plant, petrochemical complex near the community of Welcome, Louisiana.

document September 12, 2022

Brief – 1st Circuit Appeal Formosa Air Permits

Judgment and reasons

In the News: The Big Easy Magazine May 12, 2021

Formosa Plastics’ Land-Use Approval in St. James is “Already Null and Void”

Corinne Van Dalen, Attorney, Fossil Fuels Program, Earthjustice: “It’s a big deal because ethylene oxide is a potent carcinogen. It is 400 times more potent than benzene…While the rest of the country is figuring out how to deal with ethylene oxide and there aren’t that many places in the country that have these sources that…